Please help!! I can't force myself to drink water!!!!



  • Antares84
    Antares84 Posts: 7
    be weary of sugar free drink mixes.... artificial sweeteners are not better than sugar just because they have 0 calories.

    boo aspartame
  • aparks1177
    aparks1177 Posts: 63
    I love my sweet tea!!!! What I do to get my sweet tea fix is I make my tea with splenda. It helps me make it through. As for water I don't mind water but when I want some flavor I add a zero calorie drink mix and they are very yummy!! I hope this helps. Good luck! You can do it!!!
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    I can't drink water, but LOVE it with MIO.

    Me too. I have an ice cold bottle of water with Mio Berry Pomegranate in front of me right now. My 3rd bottle since 5. :D
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    If you hate plain water than don't drink it. I don't drink any plain water, but I get in plenty of liquids. (I've posted the following before, but here it is again...)

    Many people erroneously associate drinking lots of water with losing weight. Water will NOT help you in your weight loss efforts except for in 2 ways. First, if you a "hungry-all-the-time-person", water may help you curb your appetite by filling you up. Second, becoming dehydrated can slow your metabolism down slightly. The average person needs about 8-10 cups of liquid per 24 hours to stay hydrated. This includes ALL liquids, including those that are naturally found in all the foods you eat. You probably get about half of that liquid from foods. Coffee counts, diet soda counts, beer counts, soup counts, crystal light counts, milk counts...any liquid will do to keep you hydrated. Obviously, not all of those are healthy choices and water has other health benefits such as healthier skin, etc. so it's not bad to drink 8 glasses of water a day. But, it isn't going to help you lose weight or "flush the fat out of your body".

    So drink it if you like it...if you hate it, drink something else!!!
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    I like getting my water super ice cold, add a couple of slices of cucumber and lemon and... It's absolutely the most delicious drink ever. No calories. No fake sweeteners. Nothing. Just plain goodness and plus, it's great for your skin!

    This! I never liked drinking water, but once I started adding cucumber slices to it I just can't get enough!! It's so refreshing and tastes great!
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    I like getting my water super ice cold, add a couple of slices of cucumber and lemon and... It's absolutely the most delicious drink ever. No calories. No fake sweeteners. Nothing. Just plain goodness and plus, it's great for your skin!

    This! I never liked drinking water, but once I started adding cucumber slices to it I just can't get enough!! It's so refreshing and tastes great!

    Cucumber slices? wow... i've never heard of that
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    I agree with the suggestion that you sit outside, in the heat, with a some ice cold water. It also helps to limit the amount of other beverages. I made a choice to nearly eliminate all other beverages. I drink my two cups of coffee each morning, then drink water for the rest of the day. Think of the sugar you will be eliminating! Diet drinks are even worse - the chemicals! Drinking quality water is the BEST medicine - truly! Many of our ailments can be cured by simply hydrating our thirsty bodies. The next time you feel some heartburn/indigestion, drink 16 ounces of water. It really works!

    I keep a gallon of water on my desk at the office and make an effort to finish it by the end of the day. My coworkers are quick to notice if I'm not drinking. Knowing that I'm being watched makes me mindful to keep on drinking my water. With all this water consumption, I don't even have any cravings to drink anything else.

    It was a habit I forced upon myself and I'm healthier for it.

    PS: I'm 57 years old and people are always complimenting me on my skin. I have practically no wrinkles! Absolutely no crow's feet - honest!
  • jinkies54
    jinkies54 Posts: 40 Member
    Yeah, I have to agree. I a couple of weeks ago I'd have to say I'd rather go thirsty than reach for a water over Diet Pepsi. Now, I still allow myself to drink but I also try to drink at least 1L of water a day. Something that has helped me is to tell my brain over and over again that soda, juice, whatever, it just a liquid, sugary snack for my appetite, not for my thirst. So, when thirsty I grab that water. I still don't LOVE water, but it's becoming easier - honestly, and I'm only two weeks in for this.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I don't drink anything but water! It used to be a struggle to get it down, but unlike others, I need it just room temperature. You just have to find what you prefer, whether it be adding powder, fruit, etc. After a while of forcing it, it will become natural.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    I like getting my water super ice cold, add a couple of slices of cucumber and lemon and... It's absolutely the most delicious drink ever. No calories. No fake sweeteners. Nothing. Just plain goodness and plus, it's great for your skin!

    This! I never liked drinking water, but once I started adding cucumber slices to it I just can't get enough!! It's so refreshing and tastes great!

    This is all I drank during finals one semester, and I'm pretty sure I had the greatest skin of any one in my classes. :)
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I do better drinking out of a straw.
  • I see some good suggestions. I had to start drinking because of kidney stones. A real motivator. Adding lemon or lime helps, but I find really cold is good. Try this - 1 for breakfast lunch and dinner is 3. A water bottle on your desk at work- 8 oz by 10 a.m. and another by 3 (5 glasses) one after work (6) anotherabout 8 pm.and your up to 7! Now you can get in onemore can't you?
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    I chop up ginger in mine sometimes.
    Drink water from a bottle you'll find you'll drink more that way
  • bcrugbygirl
    bcrugbygirl Posts: 43 Member
    I love adding cucumber to my water and in the end you get a tasty treat as well <3
  • jwil1231
    jwil1231 Posts: 89 Member
    Mio, with lots of ice and a straw. Also, saw someone on here that really likes the insulated glasses- :smile: I do to! Mine is perfect-red, can't miss it, has the lid with the straw--in fact, it inspires me to drink because it's the only glass like it here. My kids don't even use it.
  • jwil1231
    jwil1231 Posts: 89 Member
    I used to carry a gallon of water with me when I was working on my degree. I could get a gallon of water for way less than what a single bottle at campus or convience store would cost.

    I'm a few years behind you so maybe all of it will help my skin too.:glasses:
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I drink my water ICE cold and sometimes squeeze lemons & limes into it. My husband uses Crystal Light with Stevia to get his down. I love it but it took me a while to give up my Diet soda. I used Polar Seltzer to replace soda.
  • luv2bmini
    luv2bmini Posts: 3
    I use the calorie free flavors. I also like my water very cold. I drink a glass of water and "reward myself" with a glass of a flavored drink i.e. equate 0 calorie 0 sugar.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    add lemon, lime or orange. or water down 100% fruit juices if you really need to.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    If you have an Aldi by you. There is a flavored carbonated water they sell called Fruit Dazzle. It has zero across the board for calories, sodium etc. It sells for 59 cents a 1 Liter bottle. That might be an option for you. I like the lime one. Water does help with the skin. I have noticed the difference since I have been drinking so much. Good luck.
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