skelly013 Member


  • The simple answer here is that anything processed we eat is bad, including sugars. If you eat natural sugars they are not as bad for you. My basic concept is if I cannot pronounce the ingredients I do not put it in my mouth. (I know I can pronounce HFCS but I leave that out too)
  • Tortilla and Broccoli are some of my favorites.
    in soup Comment by skelly013 May 2011
  • I have the same problem as 2 plums per day has been getting me close to my max. I think I go over daily on my sugars making berry shakes and eating plums, strawberries, apples and other fruits. I usually just look up the list as to where the sugar came from and if I see over 10 on any single item that is not a fruit or…
  • Remember when P90X tells you to eat 2400 calories that is total calories for the day including those burned from working out. They assume that you will burn close to 800 calories from their workout so are adding those in already.
  • From everything I have read you should stick to 20-30 grams daily and always drink plenty of water or the fiber will "clog" things up. If you go over 50g per day you might start having issues, less along the lines of being too free and more along the lines of getting backed up. Here is a decent article but there are many…
  • Most of these posts are going to be purely opinions. I personally do a boxing or kickboxing class 2-3 times per week, walk daily at least 3 miles and lift weights once a week. And for those that say that is too little please explain why I am lifting more weight every time I lift weights? Again, all personal opinion and…
  • Ideal Shape meal replacements have gotten good reviews and taste good for this type of product. Yes it only has about 12g of protein but there are numerous articles out there that state the average american is actually getting plenty of protein. I am taking this once a day between breakfast…
  • If you are concerned about cholesterol stick to a whey isolate. They have very little to no cholesterol. Example of one below: Calories 100 Calories From Fat 0 Total Fat 0g 0% Saturated Fat 0g 0% Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg 0% Total Carbohydrate 2g 3% Sugars 0g t Protein 23g 46% Calcium 6.3mg 0% Sodium 0mg 0%…
  • I will try to find the article I read about cycling calories but I thought it was more drastic than those numbers. Like if I remember correctly it was 1200 one day then like 2100 the next. I will let you know what I find.
  • I think you are correct about being in the inch loss phase. I am in the same boat (although I do not do the P90X as I believe their concept is incorrect in using weights during cardio) with my boxing and weight lifting. I have only lost a few pounds but my clothes are fitting a lot looser. Is 1450 how much you eat after…
  • Just in case anyone was interested in reading up on some detox myths here is a link to a webmd article. Basically it says there is no medical proof these are needed or work beyond the period you are actually taking the detox. In fact many people gain back MORE…
  • Eat sashimi primarily as it has no rice. If you prefer rolls and are trying to stay really healthy then avoid the ones with sauces (ie. dragon roll, or any of the other with the sweet brown sauce). Good luck, I love sushi, great omega's too.
    in Sushi Comment by skelly013 April 2011