

  • Interesting! I'll have to try to remember to look for it!
  • You can add me if you'd like. I try to respond to the updates and whatnot.
  • I struggle with this too. Actually, the problem that I"m running into at the moment is I just don't want to buy new clothes 'cause I know I plan on losing more weight.
  • If I'm remembering correctly, Nutella has a lot more sugar and carbs and still is around the same calories. I choose PB because I watch carbs and calories and Nutella just isn't worth it to me. Though it is kind of tasty. Peanut Butter (Simply Jiff to be exact) is a staple in my household. I usually eat a spoonful of PB…
  • Have you thought about crystal light or other flavor type packets? They do usually have like 5 or 10 calories a packet, but it definitely has made water more bearable for me at work. I even found a Propel packet that has zero calories yet still has good taste.
  • I also tend to be hungrier and want to eat more. I think it's awesome though that you have the opposite effect. :)
  • That is a great feeling!! I recently went shopping for jeans as well and while I'm still not anywhere near even an 18, I did fit into a pair two sizes smaller than what I was wearing. So I know how you feel!
  • I was also going to suggest a Farmer's Market. The one in my town I got a whole big bag full of vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, etc) for less than $10 and it lasted me a good long while. Unfortunately my working hours don't permit me to go very often, but it's worth a shot!
  • I'm sorry she's not paying you the attention you're desiring. Have you told her how you feel? Maybe she doesn't notice the change as much as you notice it in yourself. People tell me all the time they can tell I've lost weight and some people even say my husband looks like he has. However I don't see him looking like he…
  • Wow! That actually sounds really good right now. At first thought heating the pudding didn't sound so good, but it might be alright.
  • PCOS is difficult to diagnose. You'll want to bring stats about your periods. How frequent they are and whatnot. Also if you have looked up the symptoms for PCOS you'll want to mention to your doctor the symptoms you feel you have. They might do some blood tests for hormone levels and whatnot. As far as what those tests…
  • :( That stinks that the one person was so rude to you. There's no call for that whatsoever. Heck, for all she knows (and I'm not saying this is the case at all) this could have been your first goal of just 22lbs. I know that I usually set my ticker and my goals for small increments at a time so I don't get discouraged. I…
  • I put it in when I do a major cleaning binge like more than just cleaning up after myself or whatever. When I have my big weekly (or biweekly) cleaning fest or if I'm doing something more in depth than I usually do. Or if I know that I'm not going to get to go to the gym or do any other working out. It isn't necessarily to…
  • I'm 5'10" currently weigh about 302 (last I measured which was almost a week ago). Currently my MFP calorie goal is 1750 (it was at I think 1850 but after I'd lost I think it was 10 lbs it suggested I drop down so I did). I usually come close to my calorie goal. Sometimes I eat back part of my exercise calories, sometimes…
  • This is part of why I joined. The old site I used, the app crashed too much. MFP hasn't crashed and I like the program a lot more.
  • Inspiring! great work!
  • I'm in C-town too!
  • jlbay - you had asked about doing the cleanse if it was a regular maintenance thing or just after an attack. Someone told me that they knew someone that did a spoon full of oil and spoon full of lemon juice every day or something like that as just a maintenance thing. I really only have done it as a "partial" cleanse after…
  • I've been hesitant to even think about having it removed because stones can still form even if you don't have the gall bladder so then you're still in the same position even after having spent thousands of dollars to get it removed. I personally have not had mine removed, but I do the same clease (as Sarahsedaii suggested…