AmyBethDavis16 Member


  • Same! A year ago I switched to this more sedentary job and had put on 8 lbs and already needed to lose 20. Have been tracking for 10 days and am down 5 lbs. Trying to motivate myself to exercise when I get home but I never feel like it and spend the rest of my day/evening on the couch so I am really not getting enough…
  • Did a doctor tell you, "YOU NEED X amount of protein per meal"? That's what the nutrition counselor at my gym told me.
  • I am very careful about my portions and serving sizes.
  • I know for me it just takes me getting in the right frame of mind to start on a program and stick with it. I have been carrying extra weight since I had kids ... for the past 12 years now. It just had to click in my brain to get started. I am finally getting serious now too... yay us! :) You should figure out a plan, how…