Figuring out what to eat!

Trying to get more protein at each meal~ I can't seem to get enough protein. I am supposed to have 30-40 grams at breakfast and at lunch. ONly typically able to get about 20. I need ideas for low cal, low fat, good protein foods. I have been doing egg whites, turkey sausage, cottage cheese... but I just can't eat a lot more at breakfast... I get too full. Having a hard time even reaching 1480 calories a day.... Making very healthy choices and I feel like i am getting enough to eat but being under my calorie goal everyday worries me. I have been diligent for 2 weeks straight. The scale isn't moving but I am working out so I must be trading fat for muscle...? So frustrated. Trying to do it right but thought I'd see better results by now.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I can't see your diary, but personally the only days it's easy for me to reach my protein goal is when I have some chicken breast or shrimp (you should aim for 30% protein, not sure what your goal is). I also eat a lot of nonfat Greek yogurt, and add protein powder to everything I can, pretty much.

    Make sure you weigh all your food too, you might be that full because you're eating more than you think... I'd be starving at 1480 calories, personally (and you can't build muscle at a deficit, your muscles might be retaining water though).
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Trying to get more protein at each meal~ I can't seem to get enough protein. I am supposed to have 30-40 grams at breakfast and at lunch. ONly typically able to get about 20. I need ideas for low cal, low fat, good protein foods. I have been doing egg whites, turkey sausage, cottage cheese... but I just can't eat a lot more at breakfast... I get too full. Having a hard time even reaching 1480 calories a day.... Making very healthy choices and I feel like i am getting enough to eat but being under my calorie goal everyday worries me. I have been diligent for 2 weeks straight. The scale isn't moving but I am working out so I must be trading fat for muscle...? So frustrated. Trying to do it right but thought I'd see better results by now.

    Scrambled eggs:
    2 eggs
    2-3 egg white
    4-5 oz chicken
    28g spinach
    various other veggies
    spice it up

    = around 50g protein

    Make a salad
    put entire can of tuna on top
    add 1 oz feta
    = around 30ish grams protein

    plain Greek yogurt 6oz
    mix with fruit or protein powder
    = between 20-50g protein depending

    ETA: Where di you get your calorie number from??

    Got o scoobys workshop and click on TDEE calculators. That will give you your TDEE- eat 10 to20% less then that.
    Weigh your food if you don't already do so. Don't be afraid to eat a bigger serving of food if you are falling short of your goals.
  • susanbarkley
    I was diagnosed diabetic last June. I have lost 50 lbs with no exercising until April of this year. I joined a nutrition and exercise class and in one month lost 12 lbs. I thought for sure that I would lose more since exercising. I don't exercise regularly though. I am now getting depressed about this. I was feeling ok but only losing the 12 lbs I am wondering the same thing, gaining muscle. I need to lose the saggy belly fat and know that it won't happen unless I exercise more or longer to burn the calories that will burn the fat. I have osteoarthritis in my knees and it makes it harder to do floor exercises.
  • AmyBethDavis16
    AmyBethDavis16 Posts: 6 Member
    I am very careful about my portions and serving sizes.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Did a doctor tell you, "YOU NEED X amount of protein per meal"?

    If not..... then it doesn't mean anything. You just need to hit your macros or close to them before you go to bed.... simple as that.
  • AmyBethDavis16
    AmyBethDavis16 Posts: 6 Member
    Did a doctor tell you, "YOU NEED X amount of protein per meal"?

    That's what the nutrition counselor at my gym told me.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Breakfast: 2 Morningstar veggie sausages (20g protein) 2 eggs (eat the whole egg!!) (14g)
    Snack: Greek yogurt (I prefer Fage) (12g)
    Lunch and dinner: Protein & veggies (Fish, chicken, ground beef or turkey, steak, canned tuna, etc) (30-40g each meal)

    There you have roughly 115g for the day! Plus the small amounts in fruits and vegetables.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Did a doctor tell you, "YOU NEED X amount of protein per meal"?

    That's what the nutrition counselor at my gym told me.

    Sorry.... but, he / she is dead wrong. All that matters is your total caloric & macro nutrient intake when you lay your head down at night.

    Meal timing, anabolic window after workout.... all bull****.