adjadj83 Member


  • Happy New Year. I use plant based protein powders in my smoothies. There are many awesome vegetable soups that you can throw beans into. When all else fails add egg whites to your diet for a great bioavailable protein source.
  • Congratulations! What an inspiration you are.
  • I am a trainer and I do better when I have a personal trainer. A good trainer will design an exercise program for you and push you to a new fitness level. If you have specific dietary needs such as diabetes, an eating disorder or have a BMI over 30 then having a nutritionist evaluate your diet and create a meal plan will…
  • Increase your cardio and drink more water.
  • I was a personal trainer and Fitness Manager at a different chain gym. Yes, we are trained to sell those packages. Unfortunately, the trainer you had was just dumb. Insulting the client is a sure way to fail.
  • My weight fluctuates based on water. If the scale goes up it makes me depressed. I prefer to weigh once a month when I know there will be a loss.
  • You can go into "Nutrition Goals" and adjust the settings on Fats. Keeping track of fat consumption is helpful because fats are calorie dense. It allows you to make appropriate adjustments in your eating program.
  • I don't want to put a label on how I eat. However, I will describe it as plant-based. I found that my weight, mood and mental clarity are better when I eat predominately raw-plant foods. There is no need to argue with each other. We are here to share our experiences and be supportive. I am enjoying fantastic meals because…
  • When I'm in a hurry I make cashew milk because it is quick and doesn't require straining. I make a cashew latte with coffee and cashews. I buy raw almonds in bulk and get a good deal.
  • I usually use it up in four days. I have also made almond-hemp seed milk, walnut-pumpkin seed and almond-brazil nut milk. All were good!
  • Thank you! I'm watching my sugar so I have to go easy on the dried fruits. I'm going to throw some into my smoothie so the protein offsets the sugar spike.
  • Skim milk is a better choice for protein than store bought almond milk which is mostly water. I make my own almond milk since I'm off dairy. But, if you are happy and healthy stay the course.
  • I usually start with a green smoothie unless I'm rushing then I grab a banana. I'm experimenting with protein powders in my green smoothies. I will post the daily recipes of the ones that I like here:
  • TODAY'S SMOOTHIE Berry Protein Blast Green Smoothie 2.0 cup, Spinach - Raw 1.0 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb), Apples - Raw 1.0 cup, Almond Milk - Homemade 0.25 cup(s), Blueberries - Raw 2.0 Heaping Tablespoons, Warrior Food Extreme Vanilla Plus (Raw Protein Powder) Nutrition Facts Servings 1.0 Amount Per Serving…
  • TODAY'S SMOOTHIE Pina Colada Raw Protein Smoothie 0.25 cup, Organic Premium Coconut Milk 0.25 cup, diced, Pineapple - Raw, all varieties 1.0 tsp, Organic Sweetner 1.0 scoop (25 grams), Warrior Blend Raw Vegan Protein (Vanilla) 2.0 cup, Spinach - Raw 6 Ice Cubes Nutrition Facts Servings 2.0 Amount Per Serving calories 194 %…
  • Thanks for the links! I downloaded the book and will check out the great recipes.
  • Jane that is an excellent question. The daily sugar gram limit for women is 24 grams or 6 teaspoons. Fortunately, they are talking about "added" sugar such as table sugar, honey, maple syrup, sugar added to foods like ketchup. However, that being said, just be mindful of not overdoing sugar even in fruit. Avoid dried…
  • I just got back from a trip and it was challenging! What saved me was packing my own food. Bring healthy low calorie snacks enough for the whole trip. Make sure to take an insulated bag so you can keep fruit and perishables cold. Pack a jump rope and bands to do a mini workout every morning when you wake up. As crazy as it…
  • Thanks for the feedback. I started eating half an avocado and added a Raw Revolution bar with nuts. I'm trying to eat plant-based so the raw beef won't fit. As for starting a tumblr LOL. Maybe! But, I'm too busy right now. I did start a group on here to talk about eating raw food and plant-based. Also to share green…
  • One of my favorites: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Smoothie 1 C Almond Milk 1 scoop Paradise - Protein & Greens Powder 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter 1 Banana 6 Ice Cubes Calories 385 Carbs 10 Fat 9 Protein 15 Sodium 21 Sugar 4
  • Welcome Jeanne, It is great to meet someone eating raw and working out. Most of the people in the gym are carnivores. Have you read "Conscious Eating" by Gabriel Cousens? That is a really good book. I met someone that went to his retreat in Arizona, Tree of Life. He is a medical doctor and…
  • I'll go first! Name: Angela Age: 59 City: Culver City, CA Starting Weight: 178 Current Weight: 161 Goal Weight: 141 What percentage of your diet is plant based? Usually 40% (Now 98%) What percentage of your diet is raw? 20% What percentage would you like your diet would you like to be raw? 75% What is your exercise…
  • Congratulations! You look amazing. I'm inspired.
  • I researched this and the answer is no. The gram limit is for "Added" sugar like in sodas and cereal. However, too much sugar from fruit will slow fat loss because it will be used for fuel instead of stored fat. Here is a link to sugar content charts. Limit the high sugar fruits.…
  • I'm interested in sharing vegetarian recipes.
  • I'm eating vegan for 90 days. I'm a month in and don't miss anything except whey protein shakes. Haven't found a vegan protein shake that I like. Vega is pretty good but it has stevia and I don't like the after taste. I want to lose 30lbs and put on 10lbs of muscle. Any suggestions for vegan protein?