andlofly Member


  • Checking in: Had a good day today. Stayed on track. Logged all my food and already planned my food for tomorrow. Now I just need to pack my lunch up so that I don't have to do it in the morning. Glad to see so many people checking in today!!
  • Okay, I weighed in this morning 142... ugh, up 2.5 pounds. My goal for Christmas is a 5 pound loss. that puts me at 137 (or less)!!!
  • Okay - I'm gonna give it a try. I've never done a "Challenge" before. But I'll see if it helps or hinders. My goal for Christmas is to lose 5 pounds. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning to see what my starting weight is (haven't weighed in since Thanksgiving)
  • I agree with MSBlondy... it doesn't matter the time... just as long as you do it!! I exercise in the evening because I know that if I plan on getting up early to exercise, I'm setting myself up to fail. I know how difficult it is for me to get up just to make it to work. I found that once I accepted the fact that it was…
  • How much HoneyMaid honey grahams? It says 1... can't be just one cracker?
  • Wow, no wonder you are discouraged. You certainly aren't being very sympathetic to yourself... I'm sure you can think of at least one thing you did right today... if not, I can tell you one... going to your computer to post to get support. Stop beating yourself up. That's not going to get you anywhere!!! Give yourself…
  • Good to know... thanks for sharing!!
  • Gott love those ankles :drinker: !!!!! I find that weighing only once a week is what works best for me. I weigh every Sunday morning. (you are welcome to join me if you want to try once a week). If I weigh every day and I get a low number - I find it harder to resist unplanned eating. If I get a higher than expected…
  • Way to go!!!! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. Reminding us that we are all vulnerable to our own shortcomings. Sometimes it is easy to trick ourselves into thinking "it doesn't matter if I eat just this" or "it's okay if I skip my exercise just this once". We are here for you... thank goodness we've got eachother.
  • I hate that BMI rating but only about half as much as I hate the healthy weight range chart. I'm 42 and only 5'1". I'm not big boned. In fact, I would consider myself to be small framed. My goal weight is 130. I'm just over 140 and already feeling pretty good. I think there are better measures than BMI (and weight for that…
  • BTW - congrats on the complements you did recieve and don't let her get to you!!
  • Sounds better than the one I work with... She has yet to acknowledge that I look less, puffy - fluffy - fat - or whatever adjective she might choose to use. I've worked with her for 5 years. We sit right next to each other ALL DAY LONG!!! Worse yet, when people started noticing that I lost weight. She stopped speaking to…
  • I've discovered Baja Bob's Sugar Free Margarita Mix... zero carbs and zero calories. I picked up a 32 oz bottle at Meijer for $3.99. You just mix 1 part tequila and three parts Baja Bob's. According to a book I have (Calorie King), there are 100 calories in a 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof tequila. Therefore, (if my math is…
  • One of my favorite things to do to distract myself from eating is to paint my nails. I've never painted my nails until recently. But it is something I can do that keeps my hands busy, doesn't allow me to put my fingers into food, and smells nasty and strong (somehow helping curb my appetite).
  • Congratulations!!!!!
  • BTW - it's not a diet. Just focuses on habits and behaviors. It helped me... reevaluate my priorities... find the time necessary to plan and eat healthy... find the motivation to exercise... think differently about food/hunger... and I still feel like I've only scratched the surface using this approach.
  • Beck Diet Solution is a "cognative therapy" approach to weight loss. Helps you identify and "unlearn" negative behaviors and habits regarding your eating and exercise habits. Google it... it's a very good book with some really good tools for unlearning your old habits. As well as, tips to motivate you on forming new better…
  • Never used it... never even seen it up close and personal. My sister has used it though. She likes it a lot. Says you really feel it working the abs.
  • I read Beck's Diet Solution and have been using the techniques/steps to lose about 15 pounds so far. Although I know plenty of people who are "dieting", I don't know anybody else who has read this book. I thought it would be nice to find some fellow BECKers to support and motivate each other. Any of you guys out there?
  • Motivation... hmm, that's always the tuff part, isn't it? I can't say that I really know what motivated me until I got into the "habit". I can tell you what motivates me now that I've developed the habit... telling myself "just do it" and/or "it's my only choice". Of course the success I've had is also a good motivation…
  • Hi danh603. Welcome. I think you will really enjoy the site. Since you seem to know what exercise you enjoy, it seems like you just need to make it a priority and set aside the time to do it. Look at it like you have no choice but to do. I have a "day planner" I guess you'd call it. I use it to keep track of everything...…
  • Give yourself the credit you deserve. A four pound loss it great!!! You're selling yourself short by minimizing your accomplishment. Go ahead and celebrate!!
  • Maybe you could try making a rule that you can only eat while sitting at the table - or - at least only eat while sitting down. That may help to reduce the grazing problem.
  • My biggest calorie saver is that I do not drink any calories. Except a half glass of skim milk in the morning. Other than that it's water for me. The other way I save calories is the obvious but not very exciting raw veggies... celery, mixed salad greens, etc. I almost always cover my plate with lettuce and then top it…
  • Wow!! 8 miles... that's awesome!!