torenees Member


  • 44 yrs old . 12.5 yrs post gastric bypass , gluten intolerant also. 28 lbs to I started out 318 in 2002 got down to 147 and kept it off for a long time until this past yr. I wana join yall please. I need all the support I can get. ps. just had heart stent put in 7 weeks ago. please count me in.
  • I just had a heart cath with a stent placement and I'm only 44. my next follow up visit to Dr is July . Not as exciting as a wedding ( congratulations to all of you by the way and best of luck) but very important to me that I lose the weight before then. I want to lose 23 lbs. I want to get back to what I weighed on my…
  • Wow thank you for sharing , Its good to know that others can truly relate to how I feel and to know that they are pushing thru those feelings to help themselves. this truly motivates me . I think half of the fight for me is psychological . I am so stepping outside of my box. your words will stick with me . thank you for…
  • I have not. I did go out today and I wrapped my knee . I made it , the pain wasn't as bad todatill present. I don't want to stop.
  • years ago I tore it , the cartlidge and MCL during a grand mal seizure. I was really hoping these two days would help , but I am still having a lot of pain. thank you .
  • wk 2 d 3.... I did well for the first 12 minutes but then my knee pain became too bad to run . I am hoping 2 days off and it will be better. Monday will be my next go. Difficult but I did it . yay. have a wonderful weekend :D
  • thank you both for the advice , info and support. I will check into the shoes.
  • very inspiring, thank you for sharing. today is wk 2 d2 for me and I'm loving it but have concerns as well. My knee is hurting with every step I take not to mention when I run/ jog. I am starting to wonder what its going to be like to run when the weather gets its coldest. I don't have access to a treadmill. any advice is…
  • thank you
  • wk2 d1. feels good. I love the energy boost I'm getting from this. And I've lost 6 lbs. I took two days off because of my hip and I missed it bad. Back out today and looking forward to the next time. I am amazed that I am doing this. Baby steps but doing it. Good job to all of us (*) (*) (*)
  • yay , I am done with week one and I am enjoying challenging myself so far . way to go . we can do this.
  • I am on day 2 today of wk 1. I do have issues with being seen and embarrassed by my weight/size, but as odd as I feel doing this ...I want it real bad. It is not easy for me and I'm sure there are others who feel the same . Not only do I struggle with my personal feelings , I am so bad out of shape. I do feel more…
  • thank you Kate, and good luck to you . I hope you enjoy
  • I can totally relate. I had a gastric bypass 12 yrs ago and there have been ups and downs all thru the years and I literally mean ups and downs. I too am an emotional eater. I eat more when I am stressed and anxious. I think when I feel most out of control of my life is when I am at my worst. at this time I am back up 30…
  • I too can relate. I am back up to 169 and i just started my 5 day pouch test today .Back in 09 I gained back up to 210 and I did the pouch test and it really helped me get back on track. I had forgotten about the test until I was on here reading last night. searching for answers. you may want to read about it at…