

  • Oh bicycle crunches! Those are hard!!
  • And what about my daily calorie intake? What should I be shooting for? The 1700-1900 calories that other females here my size are eating, or 1200/day like many websites say?! Or what freediet said: at 112 lbs, I should eat 1718 cal for maintenance, 1374 for fat loss, and 1031 for extreme fat loss. Can someone please…
  • Good question! I know that you need to do exercises that target the pectoral muscles but I'm not sure exactly what exercises. Just wanted to bump up the thread :)
  • I'm looking at DVDs online right now. What makes me nervous though is that I am really really bad at learning to do stuff! I'm scared that I'm going to do moves wrong and end up hurting myself. I'm pretty uncoordinated and never have good form :( I guess anythings better than I'm doing now but it would be really nice for…
  • I'm trying to follow the Mediterranean diet so I think I'm set with the healthy eating thing. It's a way of eating healthy that I can actually manage-- and I love that red meats are discouraged (I'm not a big meat eater). I just know that I need to exercise too for toning purposes and I don't want to waste time and energy…
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