

  • what's the measuring method? i would love to get an estimate on mine! i don't have a fancy scale or gym or anything either :P
  • i'm really lucky, i live with my boyfriend who has an amazing job, so he covers all of our bills and rent and everything. i am definitely blessed!!! but going to school for 4 years put me in a boatload of debt (40K+) so i'm currently looking for a job. with my little experience in my field and moving across the country (OH…
  • lol yeah you're probably right. sweet karma will come around eventually when this kid has an awful time trying to lose weight later once his metabolism isn't burning at overdrive levels :P
  • um are you kidding me? anyone who is more concerned with my weight than my happiness, well-being or health needs to gtfo of my life. no one needs that sort of negativity, it certainly doesn't help anything. the choice to lose weight needs to come from yourself and only yourself, so having someone rag on me about it would…
  • a combination of slowing metabolism due to aging (read - you need to eat less and less cals to maintain) and hormonal issues, esp thyroid issues, are most people's main problems when it comes to not being able to lose weight i think. i'm only 24, so my metabolism should be great, but my hashimoto's makes it slower than…
  • Any seafood is at least 8 bucks a pound, chicken or ground beef is like 4-5 normally which isn't even much better. We wait til meat goes on sale and then buy a bunch and freeze it :P Then of course any fresh berries. They're like 5-6 dollars a tiny thing of them, so I almost always buy frozen. Cherries are especially…