What are your monthly/daily/weekly responsibilities?

I'm just curious what other people are also worrying about on top of their health. For me, its:

-moving out of my parents' house in September to my own place and having enough money to last me a year in an apartment, at least
-maintenance of my car, gas, insurance, registration, etc. all the fun things
-keeping enough hours up at my job
-taking care of my 3 cats, dog, and guinea pig
-looking at classes as I should definitely start school again (stressful to even think about!)
-overcoming certain mental illnesses and getting to therapy and appointments and such..

What about you? Also feel free to add me, I love hearing about your days and such and I'm a good listener if you need someone to be. (Or a good advice-giver if that's what you prefer!)


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Kids (3)
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    - Full time job
    - staying active
    - massage/chiro and exercises for my back issues
    - paying off debt
    - dealing with roommate
    - caring for my two cats
    - housework
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I get up at 6am, I fight traffic, I bust my hump all day, I fight traffic again, and come home... the end.

  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member

    - $24,000 in credit card debt
    - $25,000 in student loan debt from my ONLINE master's degree that's proven to be nothing but an expensive piece of paper
    - Mortgage payment
    - $26,000 on my car that's 2 years old
    - 33% personnel cuts at my full time job being announced in 2 weeks, so no clue if I'll end up bankrupt
    - Hour-long commute each way to work 5 days a week
    - Being placed on probation in my part-time job because I've fallen behind so bad
    - The Army Reserves forcing me to start drilling nearly 200 miles from home, meaning a huge commute, hotel stay, and 3-4 nights a month away from home
    - All of my family being 2500 miles away in another state
    - Cervical Cancer that I had to get surgically removed and has come back
    - Early arthritis in my shoulder/neck

    Oh, and I'm 25 lbs overweight.

    Oh, and two cats and a Betta fish.
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285

    - $24,000 in credit card debt
    - $25,000 in student loan debt from my ONLINE master's degree that's proven to be nothing but an expensive piece of paper
    - Mortgage payment
    - $26,000 on my car that's 2 years old
    - 33% personnel cuts at my full time job being announced in 2 weeks, so no clue if I'll end up bankrupt
    - Hour-long commute each way to work 5 days a week
    - Being placed on probation in my part-time job because I've fallen behind so bad
    - The Army Reserves forcing me to start drilling nearly 200 miles from home, meaning a huge commute, hotel stay, and 3-4 nights a month away from home
    - All of my family being 2500 miles away in another state
    - Cervical Cancer that I had to get surgically removed and has come back
    - Early arthritis in my shoulder/neck

    Oh, and I'm 25 lbs overweight.

    Oh, and two cats and a Betta fish.

    Ahhh good luckwith all of that, I know it's really tough!
  • bridgettesweightloss
    i'm really lucky, i live with my boyfriend who has an amazing job, so he covers all of our bills and rent and everything. i am definitely blessed!!!

    but going to school for 4 years put me in a boatload of debt (40K+) so i'm currently looking for a job. with my little experience in my field and moving across the country (OH to CA), it's been a challenge finding one. i've been to several interviews where they've decided i just don't have enough experience which is so frustrating cuz i know i'd catch on super quick :/

    so responsibilities:
    -finding a job (at least 4+ hours a day of applying, interviews, resume building, etc)
    -taking care of a cat and our new puppy (potty training is a b*tch lol)
    -taking care of all of the cleaning in our apartment. my bf rarely does any because he says that's my "job" for now lol
    -also i have a boatload of health issues, so getting all of those taken care of has taken up a lot of my time the past few months, what with the drs appts and scans and all sorts of other stuff

    ....yeah, i've got a pretty nice life actually. that's like nothing really. when i was in college i had way more, what with classes and research and paying rent and working and all that, but since i graduated my life has gotten wayyy easier. seems backwards doesn't it :P no wonder i had hardcore depression and anxiety that just totally went away after i was all done with school. so much pressure!
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    I was starting to answer this but it's a total bummer.. Just a **** ton, but I always try to get priorities straight.. if housework has to wait in order for me to spend time with kids or get in activity so be it.
  • janinelambiase
    4 Kids (plus one step child part time from my ex husband-yah long story ;-)
    Full Time Job + Overtime
    House + Land
    2 Cats

    ...... and ALL the responsibilities that come a long with it!

    Between that I work out twice a day, cook for EVERYONE, travel and so on and on !
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    - $24,000 in credit card debt
    - $25,000 in student loan debt from my ONLINE master's degree that's proven to be nothing but an expensive piece of paper
    - Mortgage payment
    - $26,000 on my car that's 2 years old
    - 33% personnel cuts at my full time job being announced in 2 weeks, so no clue if I'll end up bankrupt
    - Hour-long commute each way to work 5 days a week
    - Being placed on probation in my part-time job because I've fallen behind so bad
    - The Army Reserves forcing me to start drilling nearly 200 miles from home, meaning a huge commute, hotel stay, and 3-4 nights a month away from home
    - All of my family being 2500 miles away in another state
    - Cervical Cancer that I had to get surgically removed and has come back
    - Early arthritis in my shoulder/neck

    Oh, and I'm 25 lbs overweight.

    Oh, and two cats and a Betta fish.

    Ok.. that makes my problems feel like small fries.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Full-time job
    Bills....oh, so many bills
    Dog and cat

    ...not necessarily in that order, of course.
  • Texusmc
    Texusmc Posts: 129 Member
    Full time job
    Kids (2 boys who live with me, 3 daughters in college)
    yard (acre of land)
    bills....lots of bills... sux when you have to sell a business and you LOSE money on the sell (lousy banks)
    vehicle repair (seems like they all break at the same time)
    wife (who was sick for a few years)
    community (have to do charity work and help those less fortunate)
    me (work out daily!)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Dog's needs
    Husband's needs
    Baby's needs
    Homeowner problems
    Full-time job

    I have a lot of first-world problems/responsibilities. I would be the first to admit that I have it pretty easy, and I'm lucky to have a true partner in everything I do. The above aren't necessarily problems as much as time consuming, and finding a balance between them all can be tough.
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    I was starting to answer this but it's a total bummer.. Just a **** ton, but I always try to get priorities straight.. if housework has to wait in order for me to spend time with kids or get in activity so be it.

    Trying not to think of all the stresses, and focusing on the happy! Good luck prioritizing to everyone! :smile:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Let's see:

    Single mom,
    helping child with homework, life, room etc
    Full-time job
    Host Bi-weekly Discussion
    Coordinate Weekly Sword Group
    Host Group that meets 2-3 times a year
    Visit with boyfriend 4-5 times a week.
    I'm responsible for all the household cooking, cleaning, food, clothing, household purchases, finance
    I work a 2nd job every so often, once every two months

    And I'm trying to get into Grad school.
    And looking for higher paying jobs.

    It seems silly to me that others are including pets, as that is so minimal, but 2 ferrets although that's not much.

    It also seems silly to me including a copy of your credit report, but I have student loans and medical bills like everyone else.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I try not to worry.

    But I'm a wif and a mom and work full-time, and I also volunteer sometimes on the weekends.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Let's see:

    Single mom,
    helping child with homework, life, room etc
    Full-time job
    Host Bi-weekly Discussion
    Coordinate Weekly Sword Group
    Host Group that meets 2-3 times a year
    Visit with boyfriend 4-5 times a week.
    I'm responsible for all the household cooking, cleaning, food, clothing, household purchases, finance
    I work a 2nd job every so often, once every two months

    And I'm trying to get into Grad school.
    And looking for higher paying jobs.

    It seems silly to me that others are including pets, as that is so minimal, but 2 ferrets although that's not much.

    It also seems silly to me including a copy of your credit report, but I have student loans and medical bills like everyone else.

    Pets are pretty minimal in comparison, but it stresses me the *kitten* out when he's barking outside because no one has played with him all day.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Let's see:

    Single mom,
    helping child with homework, life, room etc
    Full-time job
    Host Bi-weekly Discussion
    Coordinate Weekly Sword Group
    Host Group that meets 2-3 times a year
    Visit with boyfriend 4-5 times a week.
    I'm responsible for all the household cooking, cleaning, food, clothing, household purchases, finance
    I work a 2nd job every so often, once every two months

    And I'm trying to get into Grad school.
    And looking for higher paying jobs.

    It seems silly to me that others are including pets, as that is so minimal, but 2 ferrets although that's not much.

    It also seems silly to me including a copy of your credit report, but I have student loans and medical bills like everyone else.

    Pets aren't minimal when one of them is at the vet every few weeks costing you hundreds of dollars. Our dog once ate an entire pack of sugar free gum containing xylitol (which is more poisonous to dogs than chocolate). The hospital/vet bill was over $1000, not to mention having to take off work and school in order to watch over her and make sure she was alright when things were still touch-and-go. Two weeks ago our cat decided to stop jumping and it costed $375 in blood work and medication to get her to act right again. If she didn't start jumping, we were going to have to take her to a specialist to see about a possible tumor on her spine. Not to mention making sure they're fed and walked and trained and loved and planning your day around them so they aren't left confined and alone all day.

    There's nothing "minimal" about caring for a pet.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm just curious what other people are also worrying about on top of their health. For me, its:

    -moving out of my parents' house in September to my own place and having enough money to last me a year in an apartment, at least
    -maintenance of my car, gas, insurance, registration, etc. all the fun things
    -keeping enough hours up at my job
    -taking care of my 3 cats, dog, and guinea pig
    -looking at classes as I should definitely start school again (stressful to even think about!)
    -overcoming certain mental illnesses and getting to therapy and appointments and such..

    What about you? Also feel free to add me, I love hearing about your days and such and I'm a good listener if you need someone to be. (Or a good advice-giver if that's what you prefer!)

    So, basically grown up *kitten*.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member

    - $24,000 in credit card debt
    - $25,000 in student loan debt from my ONLINE master's degree that's proven to be nothing but an expensive piece of paper
    - Mortgage payment
    - $26,000 on my car that's 2 years old
    - 33% personnel cuts at my full time job being announced in 2 weeks, so no clue if I'll end up bankrupt
    - Hour-long commute each way to work 5 days a week
    - Being placed on probation in my part-time job because I've fallen behind so bad
    - The Army Reserves forcing me to start drilling nearly 200 miles from home, meaning a huge commute, hotel stay, and 3-4 nights a month away from home
    - All of my family being 2500 miles away in another state
    - Cervical Cancer that I had to get surgically removed and has come back
    - Early arthritis in my shoulder/neck

    Oh, and I'm 25 lbs overweight.

    Oh, and two cats and a Betta fish.

    I hope your boyfriend doesn't see this. :noway:
  • nomad1966
    nomad1966 Posts: 74

    - $24,000 in credit card debt
    - $25,000 in student loan debt from my ONLINE master's degree that's proven to be nothing but an expensive piece of paper
    - Mortgage payment
    - $26,000 on my car that's 2 years old
    - 33% personnel cuts at my full time job being announced in 2 weeks, so no clue if I'll end up bankrupt
    - Hour-long commute each way to work 5 days a week
    - Being placed on probation in my part-time job because I've fallen behind so bad
    - The Army Reserves forcing me to start drilling nearly 200 miles from home, meaning a huge commute, hotel stay, and 3-4 nights a month away from home
    - All of my family being 2500 miles away in another state
    - Cervical Cancer that I had to get surgically removed and has come back
    - Early arthritis in my shoulder/neck

    Oh, and I'm 25 lbs overweight.

    Oh, and two cats and a Betta fish.

    I kinda feel a whole lot better now. I'm just trying to fix the house up so I can sell it then move out west.....
    I'm also trying to get my recently graduated son motivated to start his life....once we move out west it will happen we agreed on it.

    I've two cats that wake my wife and I up throughout the nights and my bills would freak most people out.... I leave it at 6 figure debt.