kterickson1988 Member


  • Hi, my name is Kt. When I first starting losing weight I was 250, when I joined here I was 230. I am now at 215 n hoping to get down to 185. IDK about you but I have also been the big girl, and I am sick of it. I want to love my body and be comfortable in my clothes. Plus I am taking a cruise in January so I want to look…
  • Your body gets use to things so if you are doing the same exercises over and over your body gets use to them so you need to switch it up.
  • I know when I go to the gym I alway so cardio (elliptical, treadmill, bike ect) for 20-mins to 30 mins. Then I work certain parts of my body (arms, legs, abs ect) on different machines for another 30mins. Then I normal do the treadmill for 20 mins, the first half at a faster pace n slow it down to bring my heart rate down.…
  • OMG This is crazy! You great!! I can't wait ti have pictures like this!!!
  • I think it has a lot to do with moderation. Maybe if you only have it once a week or small amounts I think that you should be ok.
  • I have never done weightwatchers but I like myfitnesspal because its free and we have a community we can rely on. Also you can look up calories for anything
  • I am also hoping the weight lost will help me and keep me motivated.I think seeing results is a big key to weight lost and sticking to new habits lol