

  • Losing weight at age 13 years is a difficult task. You need to have a diet that is high in fat and low in calories. You should not starve yourself, but eat heathy food combinations at regular time intervals and track your calories.
  • Many things have happened since last really posted about losing weight and all, but I'll leave that for another thing. My main question is: What exercise is low impact and good for after patellar dislocation? A couple of months ago, I dislocated left kneecap playing football again and pushed myself when I was on the astro…
  • Thinking of his manners , eat slowly, inelegant , which can not only thin , but also help repair your stomach. We have to spend 20 minutes in the stomach to digest the food before it is gratifying to transmit to the brain. If we eat too fast, the heat will be on "full " information is not communicated to the brain before…
  • I found keeping track of everything I eat and exercise works best for me. Tracking calories, carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol, sodium and fiber. Good books to help you do this are available everywhere. It's hard at first, but quickly becomes second nature. A frightening statistic I've found to do this is the amount of…
  • You do not have to drink milk to get enough calcium. My Greek yogurt is bright for calcium - and many people do not realize you can get calcium from things like salmon and baked beans. A list of foods that are reasonably high in calcium include sardines, tofu and ice cream ... There are lots of ways that we can hit our…
  • I love the water! I think I drink too much water, I've been known to drink 1-2 liters a day. Currently I only drink water when I'm thirsty, or when I feel like having some different water water haha really only drink coffee and soy milk. I kind of thought it would help with weight loss is not fat expelled through urine?…
  • Always here to spare their knowledge Omega! That's why I try not to give advice when I'm not sure what I say, I went a little overboard, sorry for.
  • You may want to consult your doctor and he or she knows that her best physical condition. Then act on their advice. Sure I can tell you what to eat and what not to eat or exercise regularly or drink lots of water like everyone else. But that's not how it works. Although it does for others, you can not do for you and me, as…
  • Eat ( at least ) three times a day . Because when you eat only once a day , your metabolism gets slower than it already is! That's the main reason. Sounds funny, but to lose weight ... you must eat ( the right things, of course) • Eat low -fat , high-fiber foods such as salads and vegetable pastas. • Your last meal should…
  • Issues of common sense and science unfortunately not on these sites. His beating your head against a brick wall here man. Especially when you are trying to talk to the illogical logic. These sites weight loss seems to have no intention of actually trying to exercise science and nutrition out there, but simply offering a…
  • I have to disagree with the contrary argument. The idea of ​​being better to say one big meal several small meals is not a myth and has not been debunked . I'm sure there are some who argue that - like any subject in life - but it is not only scientifically sound , it is actually simple logic when you think about it .…
  • You do not have to eat less to lose weight. What you need is a balanced diet of rice hoon / noodles / bee, meat, fruits and vegetables in adequate either fried or steamed proportions. The most important thing is to drink plenty of water. All this and whether regular exercise like running outdoors or indoors and gym…
  • Perhaps contrary to the beliefs of most people, I think that drinking beer helps me lose weight. When I drink beer, I lose my appetite completely. I understand that the medical profession will tell you otherwise, but I do not think the medical profession in general know what they are talking about most of the time. But…
  • That means there are two main options, if you want to lose weight: eat less or do more physical activity. The best way to lose weight is a combination of the two.
  • Obesity causes 9,000 premature deaths each year in England and reduces life expectancy by an average of nine years. It has also been associated with serious health problems and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer of the breast, colon and prostate. Most people who are overweight can blame their…
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