

  • I too had two babies in a short amount of time. I initially lost the baby weight, but as I nursed it crept back on (I wan't one of those lucky women who lose weight as they nurse, ugh). Feel free to *kitten* me as a friend. We can motvate each other.
    in Hello Comment by cynchalax April 2011
  • I NEED to lose about 40lbs to get my BMI down. I have set a current goal of 190 And once I reach that I will aim for about 165-170. I would love to join this group. I need some inspiration :)
  • My husband travels quite a bit and we have found that Lara bars really help to keep you going. Also, Special K makes protein water that takes the edge off of hunger and comes in little powdered packets. (Though it is too strong for us to drink at full strength, we usually split one packet between teh 2 of us). Good Luck, I…
  • Another great tip is to microwave the raw fries for a couple of minutes in a glass bowl covered tightly with plastic wrap. Also, to heat up the (very clean) cookie sheet in the oven. When the fries hit that pan, they really crisp up. Microwaving helps make the potatoes creamy and soft. Yum!