ThatBearsFan Member


  • Stick with Greek yogurt. I'm not a fan of the tanginess, so I usually add a sugar free flavor extract and a bit of Stevia, Swerve, or whatever sub I have on hand.
    in Yogurt Comment by ThatBearsFan May 2016
  • Full fat - 2-4%, whatever your store carries. Low fat anything is usually code for chemical crapstorm, anyway. If you are watching carbs, they are usually higher on anything that says low fat vs higher fat options.
  • 75 pounds so far (some before MFP) 75 x 4 = 300 sticks of butter!
  • I freeze bacon after I buy it and then take out the pound to thaw as another is finished. We go through quite a bit of bacon in this house. :) Due to the naturally high sodium content in bacon, we always omit the extra salt called for in most recipes, and it usually works out fine.
  • I would also add to the above poster's list. 1) Don't compare yourself to other people. You are unique, valuable, and important to this world. Life itself rejoices in your presence and just like in the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life," it would be a very different existence for the rest of the world if you weren't in it and…
  • I don't let all the "warnings" about aspartame scare me. When I want diet soda, I'm going to have diet soda. I've never suffered any ill effects because of it, and I drink quite a bit of it. I drink more water with flavor enhancements now, admittedly, but I still like my soda. Besides, you can find something negative about…
  • Butter - Kerry Gold grass fed salted Irish cream butter Coconut Oil - Organic extra virgin pressed from GNC Olive Oil - Extra virgin
  • I'm not following Atkins specifically, but I have been on a LCHF woe (way of eating) for some time now. I initially started eating this way to gain better blood sugar control because I have diabetes. Putting myself into nutritional ketosis and forcing my body to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose is great for weight…