Cabbage & Bacon Dish



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member

    ^ This plus it IS a free site so you really shouldn't complain. Pick and choose recipes you are happy to use and leave the rest. Everyone has a right to post on here as long as they don't break rules.

    OP likes her "creations", doesn't mean everyone else has to like them. I certainly wouldn't make things her way but at least she is trying to contribute to the best of her capabillity. To the others please stop think she is trolling as she really isn't. She just wants to share like anyone else.

    I spoke from concern... even a very healthy person can NOT eat 5000+ mg of sodium very day (with spikes up to 11,000) without doing serious damage to themselves. The OP is going to kill herself or wind up permanently damaged from a stroke.

    I totally agree that she is eating FAR too much sodium which is why I said I wouldn't make meals her way. Thanks for giving some positive advice since OP is still learning and hopefully will think about this seriously.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member

    ^ This plus it IS a free site so you really shouldn't complain. Pick and choose recipes you are happy to use and leave the rest. Everyone has a right to post on here as long as they don't break rules.

    OP likes her "creations", doesn't mean everyone else has to like them. I certainly wouldn't make things her way but at least she is trying to contribute to the best of her capabillity. To the others please stop think she is trolling as she really isn't. She just wants to share like anyone else.

    This.......THANK YOU

    Ditto this!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    if this is the quality of recipes on MFP, then we really need to rethink this site

    Y so salty?

    BTW, I'd love to see what you call a recipe. Being that I'm an ex-chef and all.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OP's creations are.....interesting.

    And educational - I never knew you could get frozen bacon!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    OP's creations are.....interesting.

    And educational - I never knew you could get frozen bacon!

    You can, but it's generally because it's gone off, or it's from a butcher than makes some but doesn't move it. (Which would make me wonder why.) I also freeze bacon, but that's because I'll cure 40# at a time and eat it throughout the year.

    Here's my rottkraut recipe, because I'm avoiding some late night work.

    1 head red cabbage
    4 slices of bacon
    3 cloves of garlic sliced
    white vinegar
    brown sugar

    Slice of the cabbage, slice up the garlic into thin slices, and then slice up the bacon. Saute bacon and garlic in the bacon fat until the bacon is crisped and garlic is golden. Set aside the garlic and bacon. Put cabbage into the bacon fat and saute until some of it is caramelized. Add bacon and garlic back in, add vinegar to taste (start with 3T, and go up from there once the cabbage is almost cooked.), add in 2T of brown sugar. (can add more later.) and then 1/4 cup water. Stir well, then cover and let steam for a bit. Salt and pepper. Taste it, it should taste a little tart and a little sweet. Adjust the vinegar and sugar to taste. Cook most of the liquid out, this is a dry(er) kraut.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    OP's creations are.....interesting.

    And educational - I never knew you could get frozen bacon!

    When I buy bacon I usually portion it out and store most of it in the freezer.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    OP, thanks for the inspiration. I don't know why, but I never think to make cabbage dishes. I'll scale down the bacon, but will definitely give this a try.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    OP, thanks for the inspiration. I don't know why, but I never think to make cabbage dishes. I'll scale down the bacon, but will definitely give this a try.

    I love to do something similar but with kransky or chorizo sausages sliced up and fried with the onions first. Then add the sliced cabbage, maybe a dash of worstershire sauce.. perhaps some beans, even low salt baked beans thrown in is gorgeous with all the rest and then serve on mashed potoato. So good!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    OP, thanks for the inspiration. I don't know why, but I never think to make cabbage dishes. I'll scale down the bacon, but will definitely give this a try.

    I love to do something similar but with kransky or chorizo sausages sliced up and fried with the onions first. Then add the sliced cabbage, maybe a dash of worstershire sauce.. perhaps some beans, even low salt baked beans thrown in is gorgeous with all the rest and then serve on mashed potoato. So good!

  • ThatBearsFan
    ThatBearsFan Posts: 8 Member
    I freeze bacon after I buy it and then take out the pound to thaw as another is finished. We go through quite a bit of bacon in this house. :)

    Due to the naturally high sodium content in bacon, we always omit the extra salt called for in most recipes, and it usually works out fine.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    This reminds me of a dish we make. Brown onions and bacon. When done to your likeness, stir in 1 T flour, water, vinegar small bit of sugar.... Add 2 cups of shredded cabbage. , put lid on and cook till cabbage is done....kind of like sweet and sour.. Yum