Crogirl_22 Member


  • It is always a question " why you do not want to eat certain foods?" Is it weight loss, health,.... I figured it is all dependent on your mind set... in the past I ate chocolate everyday and was sitting all day and never was able to gain weight, even if my body was not "shaped through muscles" it was ok, cause well I did…
  • Lifting was the only way with me how I could gain weight... even when I ate lots of high cal BS food in the past I never gained weight on the scale.. eating good cals and meeting them with lifting made the weight come on its own :p
  • even if you gained only muscles you would still have some changes... so I don´t think so ... maybe only water weight.. or a full belly... can make it seem that you are heavier but you are just full ..
  • I would say first build muscles.. then lose the fat, as having more muscles will make it easier, also will give your body(skin) structure and tightness...;)
  • Hitting your protein goal only won´t help, as protein won´t be used as efficient for your muscles then...give your body fuel to be able to mantain it´s energy from carbs and fats, otherwise your protein will be used...whey can really be helpful in saving money for proteins.... :D are you just getting starting to work out,…
  • The first time is always hard.. I went from being "normal" not skinny skinny.. but not weight gaining ... eating cookies every day.. to weighing my food and counting cals... no sweets no treats only healthy foods ... first 6 months were hard.. after that .. no its around 2 years I love it .. I feel great and I am growing…
  • So you eat 2116 cal per day? Wow that is pretty low for a bulk and especially for a guy! How tall are u? Have you been working out for a longer time? why no pics on your profil, to help people give u more accurate advice? ;-) Keep your carbs high and you need your cals on rest days for recovery and to fuel your body for…
  • or.. let me say shape your body and cut off some "fat areas"...
  • build those muscles, then u have a base to really cut off FAT ;-)
  • What is your exercise routine like? Are you doing strength training or just cardio?
  • Type 2 is not an issue about released insulin..the body releases enough insulin..but the cells which where attacked to much with insulin, due to a high carb diet and other lifestyle factors... Got resistant and dont want to accept it just like that anymore..thats the most simple explanation to give sb, if you dont want to…
  • If you want to lose.. please dont fall for the typical diets, nowadays shown everywhere...go for lower cals than your body needs..not to low... then do a strength routine and some cardio, regularly, several times a week.. that should be organized individually by your time and body types...if you want to lose fat, not just…
  • type 2 diabetes is caused by eating, as your body functions properly.. so if you made the right eating changes at time and you are fine now, just keep the healthy eating, train hard and it will work out .. ;)
  • Work on building muscles..they burn your fat! You need a good amount of muscles if you want to look defined and toned! Build muscles and go for a cut after that to get lean ;)I could go into the biological reasons and our body functions now,but I will stop here :smiley:
  • @sofaking6 I think you didn't get me right. I surely didn't say that she will be skinnny by burning fat in her sleep, if you understood me that way. Its known that in the evening anabolic hormones get activated, this is supported by a protein and fat rich meal, as insulin release decreases this process. So someone who in…
  • The first time after you start a diet your body loses water maybe a bit fat but your body will always use muscles first, cause they use energy 24h and if you are dieting your body is in lack of energy, so as smart as it is its using muscles over fat, obviously reason, to reduce its own energy needs. That's why its hard to…
  • let me add this: depending on if you are putting weight on fast, you could only eat fewer carbs in the evening than throghout the day, as your body will burn more fat while you are sleeping if you eat a meal rich in protein and fat before going to bed.. but all together things differ from person to person and especially…
  • Thats total marketing crap, which is nowadays spread all over magazines... yes in the evening our body calms down.. but it all depends if you are weight lifting and so on.. especially when you are working out you must need to eat afterwards..also the amount of cals throughout the day counts not when you eat them.. if you…
  • What are you doing exactly? are you counting cals, you shouldnt do much cardio, what you need are muscles, they burn fat.. no muscles= no burned fat ... you should start with a good weightlifting program and stick to it , if you want to loose fat you have to eat at a deficit, so less cals than you need troughout the day .…
  • Hey.. are you doing strength training?? if yes, you shouldnt worry so much... referring to those cravings.. in the past I ate a lot of sweets and was a total emotional eater... nowadays I would never think of eating any sweets. For me I found out it helps to eat clean and lots of fruits and veggies and whats more…
  • How many meals do you have during your day? It would be much healthier to consume "natural sources" your body is used to.. pre and post workout or even in the morning are the only times it would make sense to use it ... ;-)
  • People who have diabetes can and should eat carbs, it should be just done in the individual way for each of them... ;-) Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle, not like type 1 through an autoimmune disease, so it is even better to handle, or better said, it is not such a big deal.. ;)
  • Do you have any info about yourself? ;)
  • True, but what did you say when they wondered your prep meals and the amount of food? ;)
  • I´ve just remembered another thing.. when you tell people you are bulking and when they see the amounts of food, they start searching for signs that you are getting fat..and even convincing themselves that you are.. :lol:
  • oh, or you could make shakes with bananas and dates and add some raw, natural cacao powder it tastes really good :)
  • I discovered that dates combined with rice cakes taste like sweet popcorn, you might like that ;)
  • After reading some posts, i got the feeling that you are totally mixing up two things .. carbs as a normal nutrient and sugars, referred to as saccharose, the manufactured one, as well as all the others. Fruits have more simple carbs like glucose and fructose , but veggies have more starchy and combined carbs.. so…
  • I think it totally depends on the person.. I know several guys who are lifting, but either they are only into "building those muscles" without looking at the whole process related to it.. or they are like .. food does not really matter.. or they are even "bulking" and eating like cutting, and look terrible, but think they…
  • My goal is bulking until a certain amount of muscle mass and gained strength, cutting makes sense for me after putting a serious amount of muscles on. ;-)