

  • Props to everyone here! Getting smaller everyday feels amazing! My heaviest was 195, now I am down to 150 and kinda stuck there for a few months. I would like to lose maybe 15 more, but decided to enjoy summer (have some ice cream and BBQ burgers once in a while!) I have managed to keep my weight steady which I am very…
  • Hey there! I do those weird shifts sometimes and I find it better to go by the clock. Especially if your schedule is not always the same, it could get confusing to do it the other way. Dinner is dinner wether you eat it at 6pm or 6am . I say use the clock. Cheers :)
  • Hey there! I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you, let me tell you why! Got back from vacation last Wednesday and I was dreading going back on the scale! We ate so much food while we were away; but had a blast! Anyway, I weigh myself the next day and I see a 6lbs gain! I almost cried! It's been about 5 days now,…
  • Hello! Quinoa is very high in fibre, zinc and many other minerals and vitamins! You can mix it in with a salad or eat like couscous. Doesn't have much taste but if you add spices and veggies, really yummy! And well, coffee never fails to "help" me in that department. I know there is no fibre at all, but works for…