Radface Member


  • Age: 23 Height: 5'4 Current: 131 HW: 139 LW: 117 Goal: 115ish Trying to lose a few lbs I gained when I started a sedentary full-time job last year! I bike commute most days, also hoping to lift and run more. Be my friend! :smile:
  • I definitely believe that the hormones themselves don't directly cause your body to gain weight, yeah. BUT the depo shot in particular made me absolutely insane/depressed! A few weeks after the first dose I was back in the doctor's office begging them for any way to "get it out of me". :P That kind of stressful context can…
  • I have three sticky notes on my monitor full of stuff to do besides eating! Some of the highlights: -Make coffee/tea -Take a long, hot shower -Go for a long walk with a podcast -Read something for fun -Paint my nails -Online shop (this can keep me occupied for HOURS) -Tumblr, blogs, Pinterest, Polyvore -Play a video game…
  • Weirdly, feeling like I'm in a hurry! I get this anxiety that's like "I need to get as many calories in my body as possible before I have to go do all this stuff!" And then there goes a box of chocolates or something. In general it comes from being anxious, though. Sometimes I overeat when I feel anxious about going to the…
  • Age: 20 5'4" CW: 121 GW: 115-ish Went on birth control and off anti-depressants this year, cue emotional eating! Trying to get back on track. :)
  • Oh man, I'm a college student who pays for everything and I recently quit my third job, effectively reducing my meager income by at least 40%! So this is SO relevant to me, I loved reading the responses so far. :) Usually I grocery shop two or three times a month, and net around 25-35 dollars a month, depending on whether…