What makes you to OVEREAT?



  • I tend to overeat when I don't loose my goal weight for the week or when I am stressed. I would really like some tips on how to stop. Any advice is much appreciated.

    Since you tend to overeat when you don't meet your weekly goal...cut out the weekly goals. Make a 2 week goal and possibly only weigh in every 2 weeks. This will help cut down how many times you overeat if you don't reach your goal but this also gives you a longer time to reach the goal you have so you are more likely to achieve it as long as you keep it reasonable!
    Good Luck!!!
  • Boredom and lack of sleep ... oh yeah and being drunk XD
  • My bad time is when I come home from work. I sabotage myself. . when I feel stressed or down in the dumps Or when the weather is bad i tend to buy comfort food like it's going to be my last meal.
    I don't like to go shopping anymore I make my list and I try not to stray to the wrong aisle. I am trying but it's a hard struggle and I know I am not alone. thanks for letting me vent
  • This is my bad time, too! I know it stems from a childhood where we didn't have a lot to eat so you finished whatever was on your plate. Being mindful of that is helpful. I have my daughter get rid of what she doesn't eat. It's too easy for me to offer to clean it up. My husband takes care of leftovers by putting them in containers and into the fridge. Out of sight, out of mind!
  • I overeat when I'm stressed, tired, cold, bored, happy and any emotion really. I grew up in a family where food was celebration and comfort and we didn't have portions, could have as much as we like. I've now realized that I'm addicted to sugar and have decided that one day at a time I'll cut it out. Will I do this forever???? Nope, but today no chocolate will pass through my lips and go straight to my hips!

    Great post by the way :smile:
  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    Being home alone
    When i'm ill
    when I've lost weight
    when I havnt lost weight
    because it tastes nice I cant stop even though im full

  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I make me overeat. It was the same way with smoking. I made me smoke. My mind makes ups reasons, heck, the sky could be just too blue,,,,it doesnt matter. When that feeling hits me today,,,,I make a cup of tea, I jump on my eliptical, go take a nap, pat my cat, chew a toothpick or start reading the inspirational people on MFP. I do anything to not overeat. And, so I dont get too overwhelmed, I do it one day at a time.
  • beasilvac
    beasilvac Posts: 24 Member
    I found out that stress I can handle with exercise, going out, talking to my friends, etc. BUt what really gets me eating is stress due to incertitude, like when my father was ill and he had to undergo surgery and we didn't know what the outcome would be. I spent the whole day in the kitchen. Once we knew he was all right I started my diet and as u can see already reached my goal. But I'm scared now cause again I have an uncertainty situation and the cravings are coming back.
  • So much of this rings truw with me and I was starting to think i was some kind of freak. It is comforting to know that there are others that struggle in the same ways I do. I am a binge eater but particularly bad if I am on my own or after a night out, except one hangover day turns the whole week into a binge some times.
    I really want to take back the control!!!!
  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member
    I know a lot of things can make me overeat, including being upset or just busy. One thing I've been noticing more with tracking everything, is that I am at my absolute worst, when I am at a function of some sort with free food, like buffet style. I've had two Saturdays in a row that I had to do extra days of work which included social type of award ceremonies, for students, etc.. and there was unexpected free, delicious food for everyone after the function.
    One, I had already eaten before it, because I assumed I wouldn't get much of a break to eat, and then two.. it combines all my worst triggers... free food at my finger tips, all looking really good in a buffet style type of houer dervs or however you spell that, and then on top of everything else... I have the social nervous eating habit, where it is easier to shove food in my face rather than make small talk with the crowds... UGh... I really can't handle this type of situation. I think a little part of me feels like it is a food celebration too and I don't want to miss out...

    My other big trigger is just lack of time management and planning. And of course when I am upset with either my husband or my daughter is going through a rough time and she drains the energy out of me.. so It is for many reasons..

    But, I do see that I just can't handle the social function eating with nervous habit type of munching with free food, especially when it is unexpected..

    Don't really know how I am going to do better with this, because it feels uncontrollable... but at least I am more aware of it..
  • Charlixoxo
    Charlixoxo Posts: 94 Member
    Stress, when I'm upset, when I'm bored...sometimes simply because it is there! Which is why I have now got rid of all the bad food in my house! X
  • donniesaurous
    donniesaurous Posts: 176 Member
    Stress, when I'm upset, when I'm bored...sometimes simply because it is there! Which is why I have now got rid of all the bad food in my house! X

    i'm stress too! i have an essay deadline 12pm tomorrow and just found ice cream in my freezer that's been there 6 weeks and i'd forgotten about but now it's all i can think of!
  • akitagirl78
    akitagirl78 Posts: 22 Member
    I overeat when I don't bring a lunch to work & end up ordering out
  • I eat my worry and sadness.
  • weightingtobloom
    weightingtobloom Posts: 30 Member
    I overeat when I'm alone. Literally, the moment I feel like I have the kitchen to myself, I just dive right in to the pantry. I always know when it's coming and try to busy myself with something else, but it's just an instinct, like "hurry and eat while you can! they might be back soon."
  • ashleykenny8
    ashleykenny8 Posts: 42 Member
    Night time! I am usually pretty good during the day, but as soon as the sun goes down my craving for sweet stuff goes up!
  • FionaHoggx
    FionaHoggx Posts: 19 Member
    Stress, boredom, cravings and low self confidence for me! Emotional eating sucks!
  • Radface
    Radface Posts: 7 Member
    Weirdly, feeling like I'm in a hurry! I get this anxiety that's like "I need to get as many calories in my body as possible before I have to go do all this stuff!" And then there goes a box of chocolates or something.

    In general it comes from being anxious, though. Sometimes I overeat when I feel anxious about going to the gym -- epic fail!

    Also being at work when someone's brought in sweets. Or being bored, sometimes.
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    Something I just noticed - disappointment. I was looking forward to my guitar lesson this afternoon and just got a VM from my teacher having to cancel. My first impulse was to go find something starchy to eat!?
  • RobynUnfiltered
    RobynUnfiltered Posts: 62 Member
    For me, it's either stress or boredom.

    Having foods I tend to overeat on in the house is awful too. The kids aren't bad eaters, they just like granola bars, and other little treats I shouldn't be eating.

    To be quite honest, I think I have a sugar addiction too! I can down so much sugar it's crazy. I'm actually going to try Sugar Busters or Atkins to try and rid myself of those cravings.
  • Stress. Stress. Oh and did I mention Stress? :laugh:
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    I can overeat for any occasion and allow any emotions to contribute. I dont have any particular reason to do it, except, I choose to. I have noticed when any emotion is a roller-coaster, I have a tendency of compensating or even rewarding with food.
  • Exactly the same as you stress and entertaining are my two biggest causes. I am a social eater :happy:
  • ALL OF THE ABOVE for me too!!!
  • Lyles41
    Lyles41 Posts: 4
    What books do you all read to help with emotional eating?
  • IvyWhispers
    IvyWhispers Posts: 51 Member
    I always over-eat when I go home...it's really bad.
    I genuinely don't like bread, I rarely eat crisps and avoid chocolate...yet I went home for the weekend and ate all of it...in very large quantities
    I don't know whether it's stress or the sheer boredom of not being able to do everything I do while i'm at uni
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    BOREDOM for sure. And if i have been stalled for a while in my weightloss i easily lose motivation and binge. I find working out in any form helps curb cravings its just the getting off my *kitten* in the first place thats the hardest thing to do lol then its easy peasy
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    I sleep when I get stressed, but I eat for every other emotion I have. Boredom really gets me going and I really can't think of anything I'd like to do more than eat.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    If I treat myself to a sugary treat, the next day (and a few days after) I crave sugar and I tell myself that a little treat won't make a difference.
    When I have to confront someone (like my child, a boss, spouse) after a disagreement, I feel like I'm pacing afterword in the kitchen and looking for some food (don't know what kind).
    When I feel bored (not alone), I want crackers/chips or something sweet. Really hard to acknowledge those feelings (which seems to help) and to not do something more beneficial/healthy in those times (e.g. drink tea, go for a walk/bike).
    Oh yeah, when others are eating what seems like okay comfort food or holiday food, I tend to eat it as well (to not draw attention to me), knowing that food might taste indulgent at that moment but my older body can't process those foods well at all.