I got to make this. Sounds good but I'd probably use powdered sugar or reg sugar
Wow! you look amazing!!!!
Those pants... My legs need them
Thank you everyone. I like the apples with caramel or chocolate with nuts, the puddle mad the strawberry shortcake idea. I'll have to check out those recipe websites
I actually just saw your thread! Your change is incredible.
In erodible. You even look younger!
Thank you. I have never seen this chart and it's much easier than doing a math equation. Maybe not as accurate, but rough idea. Congrats on yr 42 lb success. Was it from clean eating or IIFIYM? What's your best advice for succeeding at weight loss?
No, how do I find out my bf % vs lean body fat. And what is lean body fat exactly? What makes it different from bf. thank you for your help.
Low cal desserts
Shakeology is a substitute for clean eating. If you want to change your health for the better do something you can do everyday for the rest of your life. I'm pro shakes but I tried a sample of Shakeolgy and I was not a fan. Plus a lot of the coaches are vultures for lack of a better word. They constantly post how great…
[/quote] I've put a lot of thought into a response for this one... For your meals, assuming you are eating the right meals, your dinner should be the largest meal, and consumed two hours before bed. If you are eating the right things (lean meats, good carbs, fiber), it really doesn't matter how many calories you consume…
I've had their salad. It's amazing. Can't wait to try!