Veropal Member


  • I would recommend family counseling too. He is abusing his health and your children too! Honestly, he is an adult, but he is affecting the children. Why wouldn't he want them to be healthy? I absolutely do not agree with any punishing tactics such as withholding sex or not talking to him about this. Voice your concerns…
  • How long have you being doing this? Any meds that might cause weight loss to be difficult? Maybe you are not eating enough???
  • As most of mentioned, the initial weight loss is fast. You need to keep counting, stay within your calories, and add a bit of exercise, if you can. Although you are busy at work, you probably need to increase your exercise to get over the hump!
  • Ha, I laughed when I read, "we all want to eat"...!! LOL..Ain't that the truth? I am hungry I logged on..I go in spurts and tonight is difficult. I want to eat, but I have had enough! :) Just take one day at a time.
  • Hi, Welcome! This is my first time too! First time needing to loose weight and first time using an app and a public forum! I really enjoy the calorie counting app and it really shows you how much you eat or don't eat!! LOL...I do tend to be hungry around bedtime, but usually ignore it and go to sleep. I am on day seven.…
    in first day Comment by Veropal May 2014
  • Hi, I am also looking to loose 10 pounds..12 would be perfect. I have never used an app and never counted calories. Other than loosing weight after pregnancies I have been blessed to be thin..until a few yrs ago. I never lost the extra 10, and then had my thyroid removed. I am 40, and now I have figured out I have to work…
  • Hi, Have you always been thin? 95 sure is thin, and 140-160 is a huge JUMP from 95. How tall are you??????? From my experience men don't like super duper skinny. Depends on guy! :)
  • Hi, I have 2 kids, and although I have never been heavy I am at my heaviest and I do not like it. It worries me b/c five pounds, have become 10, and then 15...LOL... After my second was born, I had my thyroid removed. That screwed me my metabolism up a whole lot! This is my first time actually trying to "diet" and to…
  • Hi, It is a good sign you acknowledge your problem! Binging, guilt, and fear of the scale are major signs that you do need help. You can try a support group or a counselor. I think many people who loose a lot of weight can be obsessed with gaining it back. You need to eat more as your doc suggested. If you cannot, please…
    in Confession Comment by Veropal May 2014