LambrettaVVespa Member


  • Scales are known for being notoriously inaccurate for calculating BFP, or that's the impression I've been given from browsing in various weight loss and body building forums. I always use Callipers to take body fat measurements and take a measurement from multiple locations before converting that into a body fat…
  • To me, eating treats in moderation has mostly meant the portion sizes as opposed to the frequency and timing. A small serving of something not particularly healthy when there's room for it in your remaining calories, once nutritional requirements have been met, won't do much damage if it's every day or once a week.
  • HAHA. The Beans and Cheese one made me laugh. Beans and anything can give you gas. Beans by themselves can give you gas. Cheese has barely anything at all to do with that. Definitely wouldn't count it as a credible source of information.
  • Yeah my father told me my "legs are getting fat again". Nobody should let anything like that bother them though - it's good motivation.
  • I enjoy weight training a whole lot more than I enjoy running. That's not to say that I don't enjoy running though - I hate it at first and then enjoy and afterwards feel chilled out, relaxed and in a good mood. With weight training, I enjoy the entire thing. I also actually find I have MORE energy and feel really…
  • Nah. It's a laugh. You'll often come across a whiff of humour, albeit mostly subtle. Sarcasm is high on the agenda for MFP.
  • I'm also gaining muscle mass (albeit not a huge amount, but enough for it to be noticeable just from appearance and strength) while losing weight at a reasonable pace.
  • I feel dumb for only just noticing the humour in this thread. Damn.
  • Jeez. You know, I've never had someone tell me I've put on weight but I've had people compliment me on losing weight. Being told I've LOST weight actually gets to me a bit. I'm not being ungrateful. Just hear me out. When I've lost weight, I get compliments such as "You're so much skinnier. You look great!" Although at the…
  • It's just a 30 Day exercise programme designed to 1. Burn calories and/or fat 2. Tone muscle mass and 3. Improve endurance and stamina gradually over the course of the programme. The most common one is Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - available to buy on DVD or as a digital download. There are others, though. You don't…
  • I'd say that you'll see a mixed bag of results. The biggest issue is committing to that way of eating for the rest of your life. As with any diet, it should be a change for the long-term instead of for short-term weight loss purposes. If you end up changing the way you eat once again after shedding those lbs, you may find…
  • East Midlands. Give me an add!
  • Hello. The issue with smoking cessation and weight gain is that it's not normally directly caused by the avoidance of tobacco products. In fact, it's people eating more to compensate or eating more because they've read somewhere that stopping smoking causes weight gain and therefore is used as an excuse (subconsciously or…
  • 1. Doctors aren't always right. You should definitely take professional medical advice over advice from somebody over the internet. However, they can occassionally get things wrong. I've been given things that I shouldn't be given (like Propanalol when I have asthma, which is generally a no-no, and caused a panic when I…
  • I turned 20 in May. I'll give you an add (:
  • All I can do is second what others have said - the best time to weigh yourself is in the mornings, at the same or very similar time every morning and wearing the same amount of clothing. Remember that some clothes are heavier than others, so do compensate for this. I weigh every day about five minutes after I wake up,…
  • Hello! I have Bipolar Disorder (Type 1) so I know exactly what you're going through. When I was first diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, I was 14 - which is when I was gaining weight at a pretty rapid weight. Unfortunately, endless medication exacerbated the issue for me (Fluoxetine, Quetipaine, Risperidone,…
  • My results (over 7 years) Antidepressants: Fluoxetine - No weight change Citalopram - Loss of appetite; no weight change Sertraline - Nausea; loss of appetite; slight weight loss Antipsychotics: Risperidone: Medium weight gain Olanzapine: Heavy, HEAVY weight gain Quetiapine: Slight weight gain Other: Propanalol: No change…
  • - Remember to read that, and all the threads in "Getting Started". 1. From what I can see, most of your days you are consuming less than you should. The MyFitnessPal (MFP) apps and website…
  • Do you track everything you eat and drink? If not, do so. If you do, you aren't consuming enough calories to ensure continual and steady weight loss. I notice you earned around 238 calories from exercise one day but even taking that into account you were still below what you should really be consuming. Some days don't have…
  • Unfortunately not! I've tried to persuade him to do some more exercise with me because 1. I don't like doing it alone and 2. It would be beneficial for him. Really, it wouldn't bother me if he weighed 20 stone but it upsets me to think he could possibly go through the emotional distress I went through because of my weight;…