Jasper5085 Member


  • its not the candy I am worried about, but it's the actual easter dinner. My large step family gets together and they make/bring desserts, lamb, ham, mashed potatoes, breads, reeeeallly yummy appetizers (those are what kill me, cuz i love to pick at them!), etc..... so I decided I will be going to the gym tomorrow morning…
  • oops didnt get to finish my post... but you really aren't alone. I am 25 and want to lose 92lbs!! I just started MFP about a week and a half ago. I LOVE it. I'll add you as a friend so we can chat and motivate each other through this... because I know it can be soo incredibly difficult. And I also look around me and feel…
  • Hi Cyndi! Congrats on joining! It is sooo awesome. I just started about a week ago, because a friend told me about it as well. I LOVE it. It makes me feel more in control about what I eat, and a great place to make new friends and have encouragement! I weigh 243 lbs and am trying to get down to 150. I have 93 lbs left to…
  • you look awesome! your my inspiration.. i just started and we have right around the same goal that we want to accomplish!!! keep it up! you look so thin!
  • Slow & Steady Hopefully Wins the Race for Me! I weigh 244lbs. I just lost a lb since joining on sunday! My long term goal is to weigh 150lbs and stay that way. My short term goal is to get under 200lbs. I have a long road ahead of me. Kim