stormyview Member


  • Larger sizes have more space between them, so you have to lose more to drop a size. Going from a 10 to an 8 took me more than 20 pounds, but now less than 5 pounds' change in weight would be a clothing size for me.
  • Oh, yeah! Me! I'm at a relatively low body fat % (115, 5'4"), so I think I'm seeing results already. Is that possible? Maybe I'm deluding myself. I do think that after about two weeks, my thighs are looking more defined and jiggle less. I'm sure results will slow down. I'm putting my initial gains down to newbie gains.
  • Ok, so it sounds like maybe it wasn't a real (fat) gain but maybe just water. I find it so bizarre that it could linger for more than a month and then just vanish!
  • Look for "curvy" fits. If you're in the States, you might try Loft and Ann Taylor for curvy fit pants. They're the best-fitting pants I've found. I recently discovered that Express jeans work great for my 11" difference waist/hips. Don't pay full price at Loft/AT. They have lots of 40-50% off sales.
  • QFT There does seem to be some strangely common belief on MFP that the middle to upper range of the "healthy" BMI range is the only reasonable place to aim. There are plenty of people with small frames who look great at the lower end of their healthy BMI ranges. Our society's horrifying norm of being overweight or obese…
  • Have you increased your calories to maintenance yet? Many (maybe most) people experience a weight gain of 2-7 pounds when they up their calories to maintenance levels. This is your body replenishing glycogen stores in your muscles and liver. What happens sometimes is that people up their calories from the diet level, see a…
  • That you'll start to love shopping for clothing. That it takes a lot longer to need smaller undies than it does to need smaller pants. I dropped five sizes in pants but was still wearing the same undies. But when the underwear do finally get too big, you really have to get new ones fast. All of a sudden mine were too big…
  • Ditto for me. I'm 5'4", and at your weight, my arms were the circumference of yours. They're 9.5" now at 115 pounds, so there is hope!
  • Oh! Me too! If I eat breakfast, I'm much hungrier all day long. If I wait to eat until I'm actually hungry (usually around 1:00, sometimes by 11:00), I have more calories for wine or dessert or just extra yumminess at dinner, and I don't end up feeling like I'm starving all day. Trying to fight that starving feeling was…
  • Wow, that's a lot of half and half! Glad you enjoy it! I also drink a cup or two of coffee with half and half, for a total of about 20-40 calories, and then I don't eat until early afternoon, when I'm naturally hungry.
  • I heartily second all of the above. Exercise in general (not just weights) helps me feel better emotionally, but weights have a bigger impact by far on reshaping my body. I went through this process while I was losing weight. I spent some time thinking about what had helped me feel good about myself when I'd been at a…
  • 5' 4" here. SW 160, CW 115 It took me 13 months, but I did lose to a pretty lean level. The last 7 pounds took 5 months, but I was also a lot more relaxed with my food and tracking once I got to 120, which was my original goal.
  • Well, to be honest, it depends. If I don't know them, they're just people. But there are some overweight people I know who complain a lot about their weight (and tell me I'm so "lucky" I could lose weight), and I now think that they either need to have some self discipline and actually lose weight or they need to stop…
  • Well, if your bust size is bothering you, why not try losing a little more weight and see if the changes are positive in your opinion? You're not close to the bottom of your healthy BMI range, so you could potentially lose a fair bit and still be at a reasonable weight, depending on your frame size. What is the downside to…
  • Yeah, it's genetics. I'm a size 0 or 00 (and sometimes those are too big in certain stores), and I do not have a thigh gap. I think I could get one if I wanted to be really underweight and buy all my pants in the girls' department. I'm not interested in that, so I'll stick with my kissing thighs.
  • Making a decision that I was going to do this and sticking with it. Without deciding to do it for yourself, it will never happen. No one else can motivate you to want to make the changes. You have to commit to them yourself.
  • I really think a lot of these kinds of comments come from people seeing so many overweight and obese people (and so few normal weight people) that normal weight looks abnormal and unhealthy to them. Where I live, there are relatively fewer overweight folks and very few truly obese people. I never hear comments from people…
  • I was thrilled to realize how much more energy I'd have when back at a lower weight. I was never very heavy, just ten pounds into the "overweight" category, but the lighter I got the more energy I had. I bound up and down the stairs all day now, and I no longer pile things on the stairs to take up or down all at once.…
  • I've been overcoming my traumatic home ec class memories and learning how to sew a bit. I've been taking clothes in, and it's expensive to take them to a tailor!
  • Well, I found that in the smaller sizes, losing a size went much faster than in larger sizes. The difference between a uk 10 and 8 is less than between larger sizes. A pound a week is a reasonable goal (yes, even at a lighter weight--I had no problem losing at a pound a week, all the way down to 117), but it will take…
  • I was always "naturally thin" until an injury and depression (plus a scale lost in a move and not replaced!) led me to gaining weight. The process of losing that weight helped me realize why I'd been "naturally thin." I had all sorts of unconscious eating habits that kept me thin. I wasn't hungry in the morning, so I…
    in janique Comment by stormyview May 2015
  • I went from a size 10 to size 0 or 00 over the course of a year. I walked some, but by far most of my calorie deficit came from diet.
  • Look for brands that are sized for a 12" difference between hip and waist measurements. I also have a 12" or so difference, and I have the best luck lately with Ann Taylor and Loft pants and jeans in their curvy fits. I think Gap's Resolution line is also sized for 12" difference, but I haven't tried those. I avoid J Crew…
  • I know how hard it can be! In your situation, I'd pack my own food and leave ALL my money and cards at home. That way, I'd have made the decision not to buy candy while at work, and I'd have set the situation up so that I'd succeed. No money = no candy = win for my diet.
  • If your first Pilates class wasn't hard, you're almost certainly missing some of the key elements. I would strongly recommend booking a few private Pilates lessons. When I did a few of those, I was shocked at how much harder it was. The private instructor can really focus on you and see the often tiny but very important…
  • Be aware that there are lots of people who were sure they had large frames until they lost weight. There's no need to worry about it now, but it's one reason some folks' goals can shift as the lose. Wrists and elbows often carry more fat than we realize!
  • Dipbrow Pomade by Anastasia covers the stray white ones really well. Just don't pluck them because you don't want bald spots there later!
  • How irritating it would be to see overweight and obese people insist that being overweight has nothing to do with food choices, CICO, and activity levels. It drives me nuts to see folks online or in person insist that CICO isn't true because they're overweight despite not eating too much.
  • I log on sparkpeople but read the forums here. I tried tracking using mfp, but it was harder for me to use for that purpose. At this point, I have tons of recipes and foods I've entered at SP, so tracking there just works better for me.
  • 5'4" SW 160 CW 119 GW 115