

  • thanks! I'll go with this! Was hoping I would save more than 160 by not eating it since most buns are at least 200 at other places .. But oh well! :-)
  • Thanks! I get the spicy chicken when I'm there and it's filet unfortunately isn't anywhere to be found :-(
  • I don't really get this .. but I usually do get pretty hungry around 9pm if I met my mfp calorie goal throughout the day. When I start to feel hungry I take it as a clue to go to bed - so then I can sleep through the hunger and wake up in the morning and have a big breakfast. It might help for you to try to have something…
  • I just strted using mfp and I've really enjoyed the social component ...having little notes of encouragment from people going through what your going through is super helpful . Feel free to add me and we can support eachother! <3
  • The clearer alcoholic drinks will always have less calories - stay away from anything dark or fruity! Vodka is your best bet.. Here is an article I found that gives a run down of the lowest calorie alcohol :-) Hope that helps! - Jess
  • I was ednos (ana) throughout high school. After I moved out of my house at 18yrs - I stopped starving and gained 50lbs in 5 years. I have mixed feelings about my past and how it effects me today.