

  • I have a little equipment at home but to be honest I'm better motivated at the gym or in a class. I find too many other things to do if I'm at home. Like you said each to their own, I guess it's whatever works
  • Ah I see thanks, being in England I guessed it was a fitness abbreviation but souldnt work it out. Do most people do home workouts then? I tend to go to gym and do boxercise too x
  • Hi to you and good luck too x
  • Thanks for your replies the 1370 was before exercise but 2010 seems too high. I'm aiming to be 140 within 12 weeks so thought 1lb a week was realistic. May need to up the calories slightly though
  • thanks for that link I will have a look. I started back at the gym 4 weeks ago. First I was going 4 times a week but started the boxercise last week so cut back on the gym time. I eat heathily but I do enjoy a drink so thats my main area to reduce.
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