Yeah I park close to where I work on campus (to save some time) and then walk everywhere else on campus, which some days is a good distance while others my classes are right next to each other
I think you are right and I will have to reduce the number of workouts/week. The reason I was doing 6/week was because I could during the summer, I worked a set schedule and could workout 5 days before work started and once on the weekend if I wanted to.
Yeah, see my classes don't start until 10am or 12:30PM depending on the day, so I was already working out before class but thats when the meetings started to get schedules since those are the only times where everyone can meet. Then since my schedule starts late it ends lat (about 6:30PM) so I go home, eat dinner, and…
I tried that, but waking up so early makes doing homework at night difficult since I may be up till 12-2am doing homework but want to wake up at 6am to go workout. So a similar thing happens: I do homework till 2 and when my alarm goes off at 6 I turn it off for another couple of hours because I need more than 4 hours of…
Ya I plan on doing a little cardio to end my lifting days, just ~1.5 miles for the same reasons you mentioned Edit: this was supposed to be a reply to someone but it didn't quote it
Nope, my body fat percentage is surprisingly low considering my BMI (~30 BMI but ~23% Body Fat) but I do sweat a lot when running. I don't sweat a lot while lifting but I sweat buckets while running.
So I tried taking a shower and lowering the temperature for several minutes at the end but that didn't help at all. I even wore shorts today walking to work and changed after I got there and that didn't help either. I've had this issue before, even when I can just sit and relax for a while after showering I still sweat…