

  • Eat lots of lean protein and exercises to build lean muscle. You do not need to loose weight you should definitely maintain the weight that you are. You can buy free weights cheap at Target or Walmart or the resistance bands. I would do lots of planks, sit-up, crunches, and push-ups which do not even need weights.
  • Thank you so much. Yes, the first couple of days were definitely tough but I pushed through it. I am now on my 8th day of the program and I am feeling great. This program is not as hard as I thought it was going to be in fact I am finding that I am really enjoying it for the most part. I had my first weigh yesterday and…
  • I am pretty much in the same situation. I am 29, married and have an 8 month old daughter. I have 70+ pounds I would like to loose. The nutritionist at my doctors office started me on the Ideal Protein diet last week I am currently on day four of the program. So far so good but I will be on it for awhile and I know I will…
  • I am excited about this program and I really hope it works for me. I thought it was going to be very hard but thanks to the internet and google I have been able to find many recipes that people have posted who are also on the program that I am on and wow every recipe that I have tried so far have been amazing. I think the…
  • I have been doing the exact same thing and I finally went to my doctor last week because I was so frustrated with not loosing one pound after working out 5 times a week for the last 8 months and also only eating 1600cal per day. He sent me to see the nutritionist at his office and she put me on the Ideal Protein Diet.…
  • I am in the same situation as you. I have a lot of pounds to loose and have been working out and eating less since I had my daughter 8 months ago. Since then I have not lost one pound. I went to see my doctor last week to discuss my frustrations with my weight loss thus far. He had me meet with the nutritionist in his…
  • I am on day 2 of the program and so far so good. I am feeling a little hungry and have had a headache all day today but other than that I am doing well. My dinner tonight was very good. I had Grilled chicken with 1/2c Mushrooms and 1/2c Green Onion sauteed in 2tbs Walden Farms Balsamic Dressing I poured this over the…