working moms with 70+ pounds to lose

I am 35, mom of 2 with more than 70 pounds to lose. I need friends who also want to encourage each other to keep putting healthy eating & exercise first!
If I continue my bad habits, my children will have to endure the burden of caring for an obese, sick parent before they get to live their own lives!!! Join me in this journey to good health!


  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I will send you a request. I am in the same boat as you are!
  • Jennybenny5785
    I am in the same situation as you. I have a lot of pounds to loose and have been working out and eating less since I had my daughter 8 months ago. Since then I have not lost one pound. I went to see my doctor last week to discuss my frustrations with my weight loss thus far. He had me meet with the nutritionist in his office last week and she put me on the Ideal Protein Diet. I am on day three of the program and so far so good. I have my first weigh in next Wednesday to see if I have shed any weight it is suppose to work really fast so I am interested to see where I am at in just one week.
  • bechibabe
    bechibabe Posts: 15
    @Jenneybenny578 Good luck with the weigh in! I look forward to seeing your posted results. I went to see a therapist because after meeting with my doctor, I thought maybe I am imagining something being wrong with me after I had my daughter. Well, my therapist recommended vitamin therapy. Vitamins!!! Who would have thought. Don't you know I was severely deficient in Vitamin Bs, Iron, and D. Then I stopped drinking coffee... Cold turkey! I went from 4 cups a day to zero. I feel like the scales have fallen from my eyes!
    So great job with your new program! I hope consistency and grit are your best friends! They have recently befriended me... :o)
  • Jennybenny5785
    I am excited about this program and I really hope it works for me. I thought it was going to be very hard but thanks to the internet and google I have been able to find many recipes that people have posted who are also on the program that I am on and wow every recipe that I have tried so far have been amazing. I think the people who say it is really hard and that it gets boring don't do their research and try and find new ways to make food and still have it taste really good. I can totally do this as long as I keep finding these amazing recipes and I don't feel like my food is boring.