Should I lose weight or maintain?

bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
I'm 19. I am 5'4 and weigh 112 lbs. My BMI is around 19.2.
I wear size 5 pants, adult small/ medium shirts ( I fit into adult smalls, but I like baggy clothing so I often where mediums).
My waist is 26in, hips are 34in, and chest is 30in.
My wrist is 6in, forearm 8.5in, neck is 13in, and each thigh is 18.5 in.
Are my measurements too big?
My question is should I lose weight (my ideal would be 105lbs) or should I just stay like I am?


  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    19.2 is a perfectly healthy BMI. Why would a particular weight (e.g., 105) be an "ideal"?

    Based on your other post, I'd recommend getting in shape (sports / exercise / weightlifting) instead of worrying about a freaking number or some idealized body image.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    In my opinion you should maintain!
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    Um, no. The ideal weight for a 5'4" female is between 108-145 lbs. Google it. You are on the small side of that. You don't need to lose weight.
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    The reason why I want to lose is because I've got some fat on me. Calculators online say I have about 25% body fat. That number scares me.
    Most of my friends are thin. One's 5'6 and 115lbs, and another's 5'5 and 95lbs (she's trying to gain though). I feel like the '"fat friend" because I'm the biggest (after another whose 5'2 and 140).
    I do play volleyball, and I juggle (not a sport, hey, but still an activity). I'm just not sure how to lower my fat percentage. Toning and weight-lifting scare me. I hit a low point where I would eat 800 calories a day, and I would lift and walk. I was sort of depressed during that time and I fear I'll relapse if I do something like that again.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    The reason why I want to lose is because I've got some fat on me. Calculators online say I have about 25% body fat. That number scares me.
    Most of my friends are thin. One's 5'6 and 115lbs, and another's 5'5 and 95lbs (she's trying to gain though). I feel like the '"fat friend" because I'm the biggest (after another whose 5'2 and 140).
    I do play volleyball, and I juggle (not a sport, hey, but still an activity). I'm just not sure how to lower my fat percentage. Toning and weight-lifting scare me. I hit a low point where I would eat 800 calories a day, and I would lift and walk. I was sort of depressed during that time and I fear I'll relapse if I do something like that again.

    (1) Online "body fat %" calculators are notoriously crappy. Even direct measurement of body fat % has a huge error band.

    (2) 25% body fat is quite reasonable for a non-athlete. If you really want to lower your body fat % at your BMI, the best way is to build muscle, not try to lose any more fat -- a greater % of lean muscle mass = lower body fat %.

    Frankly, 'tho, it sounds like you need to work on your body acceptance a lot more than anything else.
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    I guess I do need to work on body acceptance. I haven't been comfortable with myself since I was little. I think I'll keep up with volleyball and also try to build muscle.
    Thank you :)
  • knitknitknit
    knitknitknit Posts: 17 Member
    It sounds like you have two fears: being fat and weight lifting. The problem here is that even if you get to 105 pounds, if you aren't building muscle, you will still be fat. You'll just be even skinnier-fat.

    Eat more and lift heavy to look lean.
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks. I'll start lifting as soon as I can and hopefully that'll help.
    You're right; I'm terrified of being fat and gaining weight. I don't like weight-lifting because it reminds me of a low point I once hit. I'll try to have a new attitude toward it.
    Are there any household items I could use for weights?
  • Jennybenny5785
    Eat lots of lean protein and exercises to build lean muscle. You do not need to loose weight you should definitely maintain the weight that you are. You can buy free weights cheap at Target or Walmart or the resistance bands. I would do lots of planks, sit-up, crunches, and push-ups which do not even need weights.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I'm 19. I am 5'4 and weigh 112 lbs. My BMI is around 19.2.
    I wear size 5 pants, adult small/ medium shirts ( I fit into adult smalls, but I like baggy clothing so I often where mediums).
    My waist is 26in, hips are 34in, and chest is 30in.
    My wrist is 6in, forearm 8.5in, neck is 13in, and each thigh is 18.5 in.
    Are my measurements too big?
    My question is should I lose weight (my ideal would be 105lbs) or should I just stay like I am?

    if you want to maintain any curves you may have then yes maintain. if you want to be on your sure way to look like the skeleton hanging up in anatomy class then go ahead lose some more. girl you sound like a good size. just focus on staying up on your healthy food eating, getting in some cardio each day/staying active throughout the days, and weighttrain to help keep bone density and to keep you toned looking. If I were you , that is what I would focus on.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Are there any household items I could use for weights?

    Check out two books by Mark Lauren and Joshua Clark: _You Are Your Own Gym_, and the version aimed specifically at women, _Body By You_. You'll find a range of weight exercises using mostly just your own body and household furniture.
  • mylovelyremedy
    In my honest opinion, why don't you change the main focus to toning your body instead of losing weight?
    Sometimes you just need to let go of the numbers.
  • fannybee
    fannybee Posts: 18 Member
    maintain! you are at a healthy bmi.
  • DesignerToast
    Let me just tell you, as someone at 5'5" who was also near obsessed with weighing want muscle instead! I started weightlifting and then started crossfit to build muscle instead of being absorbed with a number. I'm a good 15 pounds heavier than I was at my lowest weight, but I wear all the same clothe sizes *and* I'm getting some awesome definition in my legs and arms. I'm close to getting my abs to show, too. I also finally have a butt. ;)

    When lifting, try to switch your focus to what your body can *do* and away from what it looks like. You'd be surprised how awesome it can feel when you're suddenly doing more pushups, or deadlifting your bodyweight for the first time. Strength will always serve you well in life. Being "skinny" won't do a damn thing for you (and as someone who got to that "goal weight" once, it didn't make me happier, either).

    Good luck!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I would maintain and well done you for getting to a great weight
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    start lifting. i'd focus on body re-comp over the scale.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    A picture would help tremendously
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    Maintain and shape.
  • jkramsey42
    jkramsey42 Posts: 22 Member
    A doctor would be the best person to assess a healthy weight for your body type, frame size, etc., and you may be able to have a REAL body-fat test as opposed to something online. If you have a serious emotional reaction to the idea of a particular body fat percentage, perhaps a chat with a therapist or counselor would be helpful as well.