wnglng Member


  • I have a 5 month old (and a 4 year old and 3 year old). I'm about 1-2 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight (137-138#) and about 9 lbs to goal (130). However, I haven't really ever been 130 since just after highschool and only got down to that and just a bit lower 7 years ago for my wedding. But hey, if I'm going to…
  • great posts all! I live in Hawaii and am part-Hawaiian and we have similar family values (think Southern comfort) regarding food and get-togethers. It seems as if every weekend, I'm doing the calorie battle too. All very helpful tips! Thank you.
  • I also think that if you search the food diary for breastfeeding, there are several entries for breastfeeding that gives you negative calories. You could use those as a guage. I'm EBF my 3 mo. old, so if I use that in my food diary, it subtracts 500 calories for me.
  • My baby is almost 3 mos. old and I have about 7-8 more pounds to go to get to prepregnancy weight, then another 7-8 more pounds to get to my ideal weight. I can finally squeeze into my prepregnancy fat jeans too!!! But hey, that's an accomplishment for me. Ever since I started watching my calorie intake on this website,…
  • Also found www.kellymom.com helpful for practical breastfeeding information. Online forums such as this and other websites (whattoexpect.com) were also a great source of practical information. I think I'll go check out that podcast. Thanks for the tip.
  • Hi All! I find that breakfast is my hardest meal. I love breakfast, am always hungriest in the AM and the things I usually eat (carbs) are high in calorie content. What's everyone else eating for breakfast?
  • Now that I'm a busy mom, I dont have time to go to the gym to work out like I used to. I just started doing pilates and yoga on line (youtube) at home. it's tough b/c the kids always want to get involved and make it hard for me to concentrate when the exercise is hard, but I'm finding that 30 minutes of this is much better…
  • Hi All, I'm also a BFing mom! I have 3 boys, 4 y.o., 2 y.o. and now a 2 month old. Looking to lose 10-15 pounds of baby weight! I lost the weight after each son without calorie counting etc, but this go-round, since it'll be our last child, I really want to get into shape and be a fit mama. Especially since the summer…
  • Hi, I'm a newbie here and also a breastfeeding mom. This is my #3. I have a 4 y.o, 2 y.o and now 2 month old. All boys! I want to lose about 10-15 pounds of this baby weight!!! Would love to connect with other BFing moms on the same mission!