it sounds like you're really motivated, reading and trying new things, that's the most important thing. just stay with it, and do what you feel sorks for you, and be patient, and you'll get there ;)
if you did it recently and it was a full body workout, then probably it counts, but if it's just abs (or mostly abs) then totally it does not. and recently, like, if you did it in dec/jan, it doesn't count. sorry :(
assuming you have ZERO fitness basis, calisthenics first. like pushups, crunches, squats and lunges, plank, dips, pullups, skip rope... starting with that sort of thing will "wake your muscles up" - if you just jump into heavy weights right away you'll get super sore because your muscles will go into shock.which is why…
9.5! yowza
sprouts cabbage beets chard cucumber tomato mushrooms avocado spinach apples bananas olive oil canola oil becel vinegar peanuts raisins sesame seeds rice quinoa black beans kidney beans canned corn bread cheddar milk eggs chicken canned tuna fresh fish pork loin ground beef
i'm new to this site, and i love the cute girls with their great bodies. i ask to add them to my friends list, so that when i log on to calculate food or exercise, i see "sexysuzie burned 400 calories at pole dancing today" on my feed and i think to myself, "that's what it takes, i guess!" like if i ever want to date a…
mine is en route cycling down the pacific coast from canada to mexico. i think it's oregon in the photo.
Gee whiz I Deplore this kind of talk... They have all these "women's only" gyms, but I've never seen a men's only, and often I wish there was one so I could attend I check people out at the gym all the time, but since you can't look at a woman without being judged for it, I try to keep it to just men. If someone is doing…
Thumbs-up, great idea, and so simple ... Thanks :)
Fortitude: courage in the face of adversity. being over weight and getting out there is fortitude. When I see an overweight person running I'm reminded of when I was the really skinny guy walking into the weight room for the first time and how I felt, and I imagine that it's probably harder for the overweight person than…
you look amazing, nice work :)