

  • is my website, my blog is the "Kitchen Adventures" tab :tongue:
    in Blogs Comment by VeganMinx May 2011
  • I am a HUGE fan of stir fry's cause the veggie combinations are endless and you can do spicy, savory, or sweet . They are a great way to get more veggies while using up what is in your fridge. I usually have them for dinner. Then what I do is take the left overs for lunch with me but to make it "different" i combined the…
  • Starting tomorrow!! Not sure if I am going to alternate it with ripped in 30 (as I just got both) but will be doing it in addition to my daily cardio (which is 45 min to an hr)
  • I am having a similiar issue. I recently began working out in the morning before work (at gym by 6am the latest - aim for 5:30a) instead of immediately after (if i didnt go straight to the gym from work 95% of the time i would not end up going). Come 2 - 3pm I am completely wiped out. At first I thought I just needed to…
  • i just got my copy of her ripped in 30 in the mail - was planning to begin may 1st. is this one good as well?
  • I just recently used tofu for low fat veggie calzones & vanilla cream Vegan Cream: 1/4 cup Mori-Nu silken-firm tofu 2 Tbs +1 tsp non-hydrogenated vegan cream cheese (I used Follow Your Heart Brand) 1/2 Tbs vanilla extract Stevia to taste Blend the tofu until smooth, then add the other ingredients and blend again.…
  • I LOVE OATS! But instead of cooking them overnight I soak them. The first 3 ingredients are your base - for there the possibilites are endless 1/2 cup oats (smaller appetites use 1/3 cup) 1.5 tbs Chia Seeds (Ground flax can be used instead) (if using 1/3 cup use 1TBS) 3/4 cup milk of your choice (if 1/3 cup oats use 2/3…
  • I have acquired TONS of dehydrator recipes over the last three years but rarely every use mine - Blueberry Flax Pancakes 1/2 C flax seeds (ground) 1 C flax seeds (not ground) 3 T coconut oil melted /4 C agave 1/2 C water 1 C blueberries 1/4 C coconut (unsweetened, dried) Mix all ingredients. Dehydrate at 145 for one hour,…