

  • Well said, thank you I needed that! My mother just died less than a month ago, and although I know people mean well they have no clue on how to be supportive. I appear strong and to be handling the loss of my mom well, but sometimes I feel like I am falling apart. Your right sometimes people need to see you falling apart…
  • Hi squats are a killer for me too. Try breaking it up by doing 2 sets of 20/25 three times a day, until you build up your muscles. I sometime use the bathroom sink or the fence in the field for support. If possible do the in a pool your body feels lighter because of the water but your still getting the same exercise. Good…
    in Squats Comment by Alicita72 May 2012
  • Try using almond milk it has less calories than skim milk & taste great. If you miss the sugar try slicing strrawberries or sprinkling raisins on your corn flakes. Change it up by making a low cal smoothie for breakfast throw in a scoop of protein mix to keep you satisfied longer. Also instead of counting calories watch…
  • First I want to congratulate you on continuing your education! It's a big goal but aim high always! You can certainly do this, eat don't skip meals just eat the right foods. Drink lots of water, and get you 60- 80 grams of protein per day. The protein shakes are perfect when your on the go and don't have time to eat.…
  • I just lost my Mom, and I too am having a hard time. But try to drink some protein shakes you need at least 70 grams per day. If not you can begin to have hair lose as well. Keep your head up and if all else fails get the protein in. Good lock.