Never alone

wed30 Posts: 47 Member
I felt compelled to write this today. Maybe it will help someone. "We are never ever alone", there is always someone that cares. Could be someone you might not think your that close to, that is wishing you support. Sometimes when we feel that those that should have our backs, don't. Could be they wish they had the willpower and the want to, that you have.


  • gin_gin
    gin_gin Posts: 184
    AWWW this was for me! how'd you know LOL was trying to post on my feed, which is down
    having a very bad week. Thanks for your encouragement!
  • Alicita72
    Alicita72 Posts: 5
    Well said, thank you I needed that! My mother just died less than a month ago, and although I know people mean well they have no clue on how to be supportive. I appear strong and to be handling the loss of my mom well, but sometimes I feel like I am falling apart. Your right sometimes people need to see you falling apart in order to feel better themselves. I have learned two things one I am not alone, and two I can expect to draw strength from the most unlikely sources.