coe28 Member


  • Me!! I eat anything I want (and drink plenty of water) as long as it's under my calories and I've gone from 143 to 133 in about 4 months. :happy:
  • bump :happy: carry on.....
    in GIF Battle!! Comment by coe28 June 2013
  • Oh my gosh, this is ridiculously cute....
  • I deleted one of these people for posting about how she could only throw up half of the entire pizza she ate because it clogged up the shower drain. And when I made comments about how she should seek help or that it was unhealthy to purge, my comments were deleted. Obviously my advise wasn't very important. And if you want…
  • I tried Chantix many times. It always worked until I was done with the pills, then I went right back to smoking again. In March I bought the book "The EasyWay to Quit Smoking" by Allen Carr. It changes your way of thinking when it comes to smoking and quitting. The book says not to use any other supplements when quitting…
  • My actual goal is a look, but I know about what number will get me that look.
  • No Channing????? :cry:
  • Yes!! And I've been stuck on level 65 for days!! :grumble:
  • Under your "My Home" tab click on "Goals" and "Change Goals". Calorie amount is one of the items you can change.
  • This. What ever happened to " sickness and in health..."???
  • You must be from Iowa too? I just read about this story and it's about an hour from where I live :(
  • You want romance??? Let me tell you how my EX husband popped the question...... He was working in Florida the first winter we lived together so I was left home alone for three months in Iowa. We talked on the phone and texted frequently and got on the subject of having kids. I told him I wouldn't have any until we were…
  • :love: Mmmmmmm, my favorite part of the whole movie......:love:
  • Can't. Stop. Watching. :laugh:
  • This too. Planning your meals ahead of time make evenings so much easier. I don't get home until almost 6 (and only have about 2 hours to do dinner, bath and play with my son before his bedtime) so when I know what we're having and have it ready to make, it saves a lot of time and hassle!
  • My situation isn't nearly as hectic as yours, but I am a single mom and I work a full and part-time job and have a 3 year old son. It is definitely difficult to find "me time" being a single parent, but you HAVE to do it, for yourself AND for your kids. When I'm at work (desk job) I get in whatever exercise I possible can.…
  • They actually have special bandanas like this that you can buy that have gel in them to keep them cold. Our guys here at work use them around their heads and necks in the summer because it gets very hot in our plant. When you're done you just rinse them and throw them in the freezer for the next time you need it.
  • bump
  • I'm like that too. I was picked on a lot growing up, so now when someone gives me a compliment I feel like they're really making fun of me somehow. Ugly duckling syndrome, lol. I'm working on taking compliments better, but it's hard! Just smile and say thank you :smile:
  • I count everything, but it all depends how specific you want to get. The veggies are fine, but if you add eggs, cheese, meat, croutons, dressing, etc. that stuff can really add up the calories. My typical homemade salad adds up to about 400 calories, so definitely keep in mind what you are putting into it.
  • So all FOUR of your posts are about how little you eat and how crappy you feel, but when people suggest to eat more and give you honest advice you just go start a new thread about how little you eat and don't even respond to the other threads. I'm really not sure what your motive is here, but honestly seeking help sure…
  • I was the same way, but with Diet Pepsi (which I learned was even worse). I switched to crystal light (agh! the aspartame! I know, I know...) because at the time I was a smoker and needed something with flavor to cover the taste in my mouth. Now that I've quit smoking, I'm weaning myself off the crystal light too and…
    in Soda pop. Comment by coe28 May 2013
  • Bump! I have some chicken in my fridge just WAITING to be made into chicken salad :smile:
    in Chicken Salad Comment by coe28 May 2013
  • The green, looks great on your skin tone!
  • And kudos for you for being with him for that long and not sleeping with him yet. That's pretty rare these days.
  • I wondered this too, and not at all in a mean way. Maybe there is some underlying issue that he is dealing with that is causing him to pull away. It sounds to me like he really does love and care about you, and is just trying to keep you from being hurt for some reason. I would take some time for both of you to breathe and…