pkeys Member


  • I am 2 1/2 pounds away from my goal, and "It ain't been easy!" But when I look at myself and think about "how much better I feel-since I lost 13 pounds" --I get a second wind in the motivation area. It's been and o.k. journey; but one I am so glad -that I took. Stay Motivated. Don't Quit!!! I am Not!!
  • Put Dairy Queen ice cream cake in and it will give you the calorie intake for a slice. Which is a lot. However, just exercise it off. Get on your exercise bike or walk for 45 minutes. That should take care of that.
  • Same problem here. However, I usually try eating fruit. A cup of watermelon, an apple or a tangerine. Then again, maybe just eat something that I have wanted to eat-but could not eat eariler -if it wont cause me to go over my calories.
  • Cutie tangerines (40 calories each) for snacks:0)
    in FAV FRUIT Comment by pkeys May 2011
  • It's a great tool. Use it everyday. Logging in what you eat---before you eat it ---can really keep you on track. I have been doing this for a month now. So far-I have lost 6 pounds!!!! Good Luck.....
    in New to this Comment by pkeys May 2011
  • Girl, remember -You are doing this for -yourself. Think about how good you are going to look. Dont focus on just losing the weight-think about living healthier and living cleanier. Think about U. Get it together Girl---U can do This..:)