People who are almost at goal....

What did you do to push yourself to this point? How did you make it as far as you have? If you look back at my history, I'm good for a few days, then fall off the wagon, then hop back on and fall off....... (with all this wagon jumping you'd think I'd lose something.)

I know what to do, eat less, workout more, but how do you find the motivation to get that started when it seems like it's going to take forever to make any kind of noticable change?



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Dont stop, the end is right there. It is just like when you are working out you have to push yourself that little extra bit well use that for eating and everyday choices too. I always give up and i am not doing it now. I want to see when i can take this body instead or wishing and dreaming I am doing it.

    I did this once before, it was an amazing feeling finishing. And being healthy.
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I am about 8-13 lbs. away from my ideal weight, but I kinda just stopped. After being on MFP for 5 months...I kinda just want to take a brake from the dieting and maintain for a little while before dropping the last lil bit.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What did you do to push yourself to this point? How did you make it as far as you have? If you look back at my history, I'm good for a few days, then fall off the wagon, then hop back on and fall off....... (with all this wagon jumping you'd think I'd lose something.)

    I know what to do, eat less, workout more, but how do you find the motivation to get that started when it seems like it's going to take forever to make any kind of noticable change?


    Just remind yourself, even at your goal weight, that it is a journey, not a destination as even when you are at your original goal, set a new one (not necessary weight loss, maybe related to performance) once that is met make a new goal, that way you keep going after something.
  • diana109
    diana109 Posts: 113 Member
    For me I think about my goal and how I want to look once I reach my goal. I think about the heart disease that runs in my family and refuss to fall victim to it. I think about my kids and how I want to be around for them for a long time. Think about your top priorities and why you decided to begin the weight loss process to start. Think positively and surround yourself with supportive and positive people who can help you along this way. We all know it won't be easy but you need to stay focused and deteremined and constantly remind yourself why you want to do this!! Plus you put in all the effort of working out and eating healthy...make it count for something!! Good luck!! =)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    I know what to do, eat less, workout more, but how do you find the motivation to get that started when it seems like it's going to take forever to make any kind of noticable change?


    This statement is generally wrong. I say this because the majority of the time, the closer to your goal, the MORE you have to eat. From my experience, when you reach a goal, you set a new one or a different one. if you reach your weight goal, change your goal to altering your body composition (lose body fat & inches instead of weight); and in many case will still give you that appearance of losing. This is actually the point I am at. I am working to decrease my body fat but maintain my weight.

    Also, you don't necessarily have to push yourself harder but you just need to be a bit smarter. What I mean, is change up your workout routine (make sure you have weight training and cardio; 3 days each is suggested) and change up your diet, either with zigzag'in calories or change ratio of carbs, protein and fats. This, too, has helped me when i plateau'd. I will note, I have a 90 day goal. Once I reach that 90 days, I set a new goal.
  • pkeys
    pkeys Posts: 6 Member
    I am 2 1/2 pounds away from my goal, and "It ain't been easy!" But when I look at myself and think about "how much better I feel-since I lost 13 pounds" --I get a second wind in the motivation area. It's been and o.k. journey; but one I am so glad -that I took.
    Stay Motivated. Don't Quit!!! I am Not!!