
  • are going through a lot right now. it's great that your eyes have been opened a bit to the situation and to your health. that's one good thing that has come out of his diagnosis. but you are being too hard on yourself and i know i would probably be thinking like you too. but just try to carve in some "you time".…
  • I'm so sorry to hear that. The only advice I can give you is to hand it over to powers above. I'm not sure what or who you believe in, but whatever it is you have to hand it over. We can't handle it all on our own. I'm here for you if you need me. I'll pray for your family and father-in-law.
  • Add me! I'm on the same boat as all of you ladies! I'm a mom of a 17 yr old son and a 9 yr old daughter. AND I'm not losing like I want to. I need all the motivation I can get and I think we can all be successful! Steph