dorie577 Member


  • No, unless I have a medical need, I won't have another appt for a year at least. I just thought my latest numbers should have been better, reduced more
  • no, this was not a health fair. this was the lab I went to for drs. appt i had had. I did fast for slightly over 12 hours. The evening before I had had my green smoothy - like 3 cups of kale, and 1 cup strawberries, abt 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, some benefiber and i think i did coconut oil - somewhat over a…
  • I found it. i had 31.2 mls/kg/min. That places me in the 50th-60th percentile for my age and gender with a rating of average-good. I think they may have given me more credit though, I think in my research that is not average-good. I had body fat on InBody 520, my vo2, blood pressure, muscular strength and endurance. I had…
  • I did have it tested last July but I don't know where it is.
  • Thank you Camtosh, Jimmy Moore's cholesterol tests make me feel way better about my own, lol. If my LDL and Total Cholesterol were close to his numbers I am not sure I could be so pleased. I am looking at the movie too bit by bit. My laptop gets a bit weary when I want to see too much video, sigh.
  • Dragonwolf, I actually knew weight was only the half of it all along but I had hoped that the body fat would come off at a speedier rate. My bmi this AM is actually 24.3 but I do know I should have a lower bmi, also. it is just now I am wondering if the fat might just not go....I actually googled and found a ton of stuff…
  • I am a lifer. It does limit the foods I can eat, which can be a pain, but I do eat quite a bit of kale, just not as many veggies as I would like. Then you can not have protein bars or protein powder either, as most have soy in them. You have to watch like flax seed, chia seed. I find anything that is considered extremely…
    in coumadin Comment by dorie577 June 2014
  • i like crunchy peanut butter, that has an ingredient list of peanuts and salt only - so like Laura Scudder (I think is the name), Smuckers has a natural peanut butter, trader joe's or whole foods 365 brand. I also like almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower seed butter, and macadamia nut butter - it was on sale at…
  • I am Dorie and I just joined this site today. I began losing weight January of 2013, but things have really stalled this last month -- well they slowed tremendously, actually, after 6 months. I started at 212.6 lbs and I am down to 153. Normal bmi is 149.9, but I really want to be 120. This goal dealio, is not very…