Rabbit914 Member


  • Still trying to catch up, but had to stop to say I'm so very sorry you feel like this. I hope when I get caught up you are feeling better. This seems like you had a really bad day. hugs hugs and more hugs
  • Again way behind here- but wanted to say that I pick up the noodles with my fork then twirl it onto a spoon which helps get all the goodness in the bite you want. But I appreciate your description. Made me smile.
  • I know I am days behind (went out of town for a long weekend to see a dear friend retire from the Air Force after 25 years), but I wanted to say congrats on your accomplishment!! That is something to be really proud of. Don't stop at that though! Keep it going.
  • Dang I thought I could slip that in without my two. You caught me.... ok this is more difficult than I thought... umm... I'm very organized and a great planner. (my husband would say my work ethic and planning skills are what made him fall in love with me... how romantic, right? LOL)
  • this is a great idea. We should all do this. 2 attributes about yourself that are positive. Believe me, you have so much more to offer than physical appearance and the way we see ourselves is so much different than others see us. If we all saw ourselves as others do- we would all be beautiful (and we are).
  • Good luck to you and the goals you have. Stay focused and do this the safe way. A free college education and getting out of your parents' house is not worth what could happen to your health by coming off meds that you may in fact need need.
  • You need to see a dr who will determine if you can and should come off your medications. This forum will not help you in this determination. You say you don't need to be on them, but you also should not make that determination. Only a dr should.
  • I'm with you. My baby starts kindergarten in the fall and I'm freaking out as well. I'm also worried about him adjusting to a school environment since this is the first time he'll be going to school. He's been home with my husband for the past 2 years.
  • Congrats to you and these are really great pictures!! You look beautiful!
  • I'm still 20 pages behind, but had to say I never heard of amazon pantry so just checked it out and that is awesome. The box filling up fills my heart with joy. hehe
  • 5 and 7. We've lived here for over 2 months now and we have gone on two dates. He has trust issues and he says he needs time to build the trust with my family to let my kids stay with them, so I guess he's working on it and I just need to be patient and supportive while he works through this.
  • hahaha! My 5 year old loves to yell out in public "mom, I have to go poop" then while in the stale he likes to make grunting noises and describe in detail what is happening. "oh man it's a big one, mom!" I try to quiet him down but he lacks the library/movie theater voice ability and the ladies in the bathroom always crack…
  • That's awful that you have progressed to the fear of passing out. I'm sorry. Don't be ashamed for not donating blood. There are so many other things that you can donate your time to for the community than that. That is something she is able to support, but it doesn't have to be yours. You find something that you can do and…
  • Went to give blood today but was denied since I got a tattoo in another country within the last year. I was upset that they pricked my finger first (I guess to see if my blood was good enough) before asking those questions so I took the offered cookies anyways.
  • We did a dinner mystery show for our honeymoon and it was so much fun. And with your brother living here, I'm sure he knows lots of great places to be tourists.
  • I live an hour SE of Orlando. There is so much to do and see in Florida. If you like amusement parks go to Universal Studios Island of Adventures or as a Disney fan I love all of the parks. Go to the beach for sure. There's lots of water parks. The historic area of St Augustine is amazing. In Orlando they have dinner…
  • Best name of a product ever!
  • Carrot cake is the best!! Thanks for all the advice and you are all right of course. I try to explain that we need this time together, but he says maybe some day. So I just wait. I do go on vacations with my girlfriends sometimes because sometimes you just gotta get away and he doesn't mind. He's more of a homebody and I…
  • He trusts no one. Not my mom, my sister friends anything for longer than a few hours. I appreciate his love for our children of course, but ya gotta cut the cord or at least stretch it some. We have talked about doing a Disney cruise where the kids would be at the kid stuff a lot. I think we may do that the end of this…
  • I love lists too. Crossing off each one makes me feel so accomplished. Plus I'm forgetful so I need lists. I always buy trashy magazines before flying. keeps me entertained. All the previous advice has been pretty good. Have a blast and relax!
  • We do have a date night every now and then. My family lives a few blocks away. We just moved here so I'm hoping after awhile he will settle in to the idea. I guess I should start small like an overnight trip locally- we live near the port and I just want to do a cruise so bad. We went on one before the kids were born with…
  • Confession: I want to go on a vacation with just my husband without the 5 and 7 year old. I am willing to let them stay with family for a few days. Not a month or anything, like a long weekend. My husband doesn't trust a sole on this earth with his kids so this won't happen. At least until my kids are out of the house. So…
  • I will look into that, thank you!
  • I feel the same way. 18 hours of labor, never getting past 4 cm and needing a C-section. Other than that part, I loved every second of being pregnant. If I still had a uterus I would be pregnant for other women who couldn't (plus it was the one time I had an excuse to be overweight and I was totally cool with it)
  • I really appreciate all the feedback! It's a lot to figure out, but I'll get there. Thanks again!
  • Thanks so much for the info. Very helpful. Also I am in the military and have to run for testing twice a year so I'm concerned about not doing cardio, or just lifting hindering my cardio. I know people who only lift with no added cardio and do very well on their run test. I would love to be able to do well on my test with…
  • I think there's a proper way to eat gum and my husband does not own these said skills. He sounds like a cow when he chews gum that I ask him to not chew it around me. It goes with my disgust of when people chew with their mouths open. I cannot handle that sound at all.
  • ^^^ oohhh I love that! I have 7 tattoos but my favorite two are the tiny foot print of each of my sons from the day they were born on my top back right shoulder.
  • Don't let this person's 1st post ever bother you. It reads to me like it was out there to rattle someone up. Not helpful and not the point of this thread. Moving on.
  • I'm really bad at this quoting thing, but that bottom link- I must confess it took me a minute to figure out what's going on there. I thought it was a nursing bra! LOL!!!! I get it now and it's a great idea.