Shelbell40 Member


  • Managed to get another 168 jumping jacks in today. Only 160 more to go!!!! I think I'm going to complete this challenge...I hope!! :ohwell:
  • Another 168 jumping jacks today...672 down...328 more to go. I have enjoyed this challenge!!!
  • Burned 788 calories today lifting weights and doing cardio. Also, another 168 jumping jacks today!! WOO HOO!!! 504 DOWN...496 MORE TO GO!!!!!!!!
  • 168 more jumping jacks today!! 664 more to go!!
  • Don't beat yourself up over having a cheat day. We all need one every now and then. Keeps you from going on terrible binges. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game. All is not lost. Just remember how far you've come!! Hang in there.
  • Burned 746 calories today. I also got in 168 jumping jacks...only 832 more to go!!
  • Didn't get to do my jumping jacks today. That puts me behind. Have to hop to it tomorrow!!
  • 1000 jumping jacks??? OK...I'm in!! I can do this...I think! :smile:
  • You can add me as a friend if you'd like. I need the same support!! We can do this!!
  • I am so depressed!! I totally over did it for Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong...I totally enjoyed being around my family and i had a blast!! However, I am up in my weight and didn't lose a thing. I had a good workout at the gym yesterday, but if I keep going this way, I will never get to my goal!!!! It's time to get back…
  • 1126 calories burned after 1hr 30 min at the gym. That included circuit strength training and 30 min interval running on the treadmill. I really needed it after the way I ate yesterday!! :embar Created by - Free Calorie Counterassed:
  • I'm up for the next challenge. I hope to be able to post more often this time!!
  • Had a long, hard workout at the gym this morning. Strength training with 30 minutes of interval sprints!!! 1hr35min. total workout time for 1137 calories!!! My legs feel like JELL-O!!!! LOL!! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I didn't get a chance to get back on and post yesterday. I burned a total of 1030 calories yesterday!! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I didn't get around to posting anything over the weekend because I was a little under the weather. Today I am feeling better and burned 767 calories so far from this morning's workou alone!! I will post more later.:smile:
  • I want in!! My start weight: 175lbs. This may just help me get a good jump start!!
  • Hello!! You can add me too if you'd like. I have been on this site before just to post my meals. This is the first time I've been involved with posting on any forums. I think this is what I need to encourage me to stick with it and stay focused. I look forward to supporting and encouraging you and I hope you guys do the…