

  • Favorite on Men: Pectorals and Gluteus Maximus, followed by shoulderblades and legs, followed by abdomen and arms. Hands are sexy depending on a man. Nothing worse than soft sausage fingers! Favorite on Women (or on me): good bust-waist-hip ratio. Shapely and strong legs. Expressive eyebrows.
  • Having once been "addicted" to exercise as a neurotic preteen, I think the only time you cross into the too much exercise zone is when you neglect other facets of your life and myopically focus on working out. Your body was made to be in (almost) constant motion. So as long as it feels good, and you aren't hurting…
  • Hi and Welcome! I'll be your friend! I'm starting with about 50 lbs, so maybe we can try to keep pace with each other. You know, stay accountable and all that jazz. Good luck! Everyone here is rooting for you! Lauren
  • Wow, are you a keeper! :) Thank you very much sir. It is truly appreciated.
  • When my guy sings to me. Anytime, any place. He has this low bass voice that makes my ovaries vibrate! Go ahead and laugh, but don't knock it til you've tried it!
  • I hope this shows up right. Crystal Renn is one of my favorite models. I like the way she looks, and it seems achievable for me to look like her AND live a happy stressless, sexy, fabulous life!
  • Don't get discouraged. Maybe you're eating too little? If your body gets jerked around with so many changes in nutrition, it might be hesitant to let go of weight it thinks it needs. At one time, being able to gain weight was an advantage for people, so when you are constantly changing what goes in your body it lacks the…
  • Maybe try thinking about weight-loss differently. If you become too focused on the goal, you're going to miss the journey! This is your body, your life, and it isn't going to suddenly become perfect once you reach your goal, so why not learn to be happy and lose weight at the same time. You'll be much more likely to keep…
  • Go through the app's foods and find things you know you already eat, so that way you won't be tempted to just not log it because you don't have time right that second. Hello and Welcome!
  • My favorite soup is Tomato and Quinoa. Its really easy to make, and the quinoa is a whole protein, so this is an easy, one container lunch and it is so full of flavor! If you want to be bad and add cheese, I use low fat shredded mozzarella 1 can tomato paste expanded with water 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 cup Quinoa 2…
  • Yay! I'm so glad! This is fun when there are people to talk to! Not at all like the feeling I get when I wander into a gym full of People-Who-Know-What-They're-Doing!