

  • First of all thank you for your service :smile: Secondly what a great attitude keep going a healthy lifestyle will when everytime over a number on the scale :happy:
  • I think there is a right and wrong way to handle things like that. My Mom lost one of her breasts to cancer, my father loved her anyway . . .the doctor down the road offered her reconstruction surgery . . .and he simply said these are the facts . . .I will love you either way . . . .this is what I prefer . . .but it is…
  • ummm lets see 1. Choc covered Aunt 2. Aligator 3. Racoon Stew 4. Snake with Fried Lily Blossoms 5. Durrian (I think that is how it is spelled) its an oriental fruit that smells rotten 6. Nato (a japanese fermented bean) 7. Cray fish (I'm from NJ we just don't eat those things though it tasted good) 8. Frog legs (It was…
  • Welcome :flowerforyou: - I am very excited for you :happy: - keep going, you are going in the right direction:smile:
  • Thanks everyone for your suggestions and ideas, I took another look at my chart and realized a typo so I was only over by 100 not 550 but I still just didn't feel good about the foods that I had - way too many carbs and fats. I am def going to use some of your great suggestions :flowerforyou:
  • Also when you are getting stressed and overwhelmed go take a walk - it doesn't need to be for hours or even time at the gym a quick brisk walk will give you just a few min to recollect your thoughts, get away from your desk, and simply help you feel better.
  • We had an intern president my senior year of college and everyday he would remind us to "Finish Strong!" Life gets busy and we all have blue days, but we have to do what we have to do. Put up some encouraging words by your desk on your laptop or whatever and ask your friends or roomate to help you finish the semester with…
  • This is great advice sometimes its easier to go back and tweek something rather then write something from scratch - write out a plan and go for it!!!
  • Very Cool!!! Congrats and thanks for the encouragment =)
  • Howdy, I am new on here myself =) This is pretty cool though, I once read that when you log what you eat you tend to make better decsions since you see what the day was like. A few years ago some friends of mine and I decided to log what we ate and email it to each other every day as our New Years Resolution. Sadly I…
  • Hi, I love your nic name!!! I guess we are both new at the same time, and it sounds like you are on the right tract. The "Freshman 15" as they used to call it back in my day and age can be a real hassel - hang in there!!! Good luck to you both with your fitness and with your schooling.:smile: