Did Anybody Catch Dr. Phil Today -- What did you think?

Okay, so now that Oprah's gone, I'm stuck with Dr. Phil. Kinda like him, kinda hangs on my last nerve.

ANY-who -- for those of you who caught today's show, it was about one partner not loving the looks and/or body of the other. There was a lady on there who had lost a ton of weight and now has skin flaps -- really flappy, big skin flaps. Her boyfriend (who was a jerk anyway) is not turned on by her. My question is: would you dramatically change your looks and/or have surgery if your partner was not happy with your looks? Personally, I think she should dump his sorry a@% for other reasons, but I'm wondering what everybody else thinks?


  • Shutterpillar
    Shutterpillar Posts: 208
    I would never be with anyone who thought I needed to change myself. I have been through abuse in a relationship before, and I will never go there again.

    My husband loves me for who I am and is constantly telling me I am beautiful.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    in a word.............NO
  • newmercy4me
    newmercy4me Posts: 15
    I think there is a right and wrong way to handle things like that. My Mom lost one of her breasts to cancer, my father loved her anyway . . .the doctor down the road offered her reconstruction surgery . . .and he simply said these are the facts . . .I will love you either way . . . .this is what I prefer . . .but it is your choice to be made . . . .she did not go for that surgery because of complications and both she AND my Dad were ok with it
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Hexagon no!!
  • BonJoviGirl
    BonJoviGirl Posts: 11 Member
    Watching it now! This guy IS a jerk! She needs to move on!!!
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    That guy was a huge jerk. Who the hell does he think he is? Oh, he really hit a nerve. She needs to get rid of him, get the surgery, get her self esteem and then find a man who loves her any way she is. She'll never be good enough for him, she's fooling herself if she thinks they're "best friends". I hate that guy!
  • MGleason2010
    MGleason2010 Posts: 105 Member
    I watched it! I thought the guy was a total jerk too!!!! She needs to dumb him, get the surgery for HERSELF and then find a new man, after she has dealt with all of her own insecurities.

    I also thought the first guest who called her husband a Fat*** was horrible also! I think that's abusive and hurtful, even though he seemed to let it roll off of his shoulders pretty well. They also needed parenting help, but that's a whole other issue in itself.