

  • Cheat days are bad. Never cheat. Stick to your diet 100%
    in Cravings!! Comment by kcholsop May 2014
  • Yes! Whenever your heartrate increases!
  • Doctors can be wrong. Dr. Oz isn't god.
  • Not real. This gluten fad is just a way for companies to make money on their products. Also, folks who claim to be allergic to gluten, or gluten messes with their bodies, is completly false. A study recently came out on Fox News that proves gluten does not affect the human body. People's minds cause this gluten fad. Gluten…
  • If people don't want me to comment, then they shouldn't post a question regarding their eating preferences and lifestyle. Your comment about my comment looks very awkward for you.
  • You should think twice about going vegan. Vegans have low energy and their mood is negatively affected. Thats why vegans have to take vitamins everyday. Also, a true vegan does not use traditional soap, toothpaste, or any other hygienic products, because most of the companys test them on animals. Eating less meat is one…