I am Vegetarian, trying to go Vegan!

I am Vegetarian, trying to go Vegan! Anybody on the same journey?


  • kcholsop
    kcholsop Posts: 6
    You should think twice about going vegan. Vegans have low energy and their mood is negatively affected. Thats why vegans have to take vitamins everyday. Also, a true vegan does not use traditional soap, toothpaste, or any other hygienic products, because most of the companys test them on animals. Eating less meat is one thing, but going vegan is completly the opposite of what our human bodies were made to do. Our teeth are made to eat meat, not grind down vegetables.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I have to ask......why?

    Serious question.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    You should think twice about going vegan. Vegans have low energy and their mood is negatively affected. Thats why vegans have to take vitamins everyday. Also, a true vegan does not use traditional soap, toothpaste, or any other hygienic products, because most of the companys test them on animals. Eating less meat is one thing, but going vegan is completly the opposite of what our human bodies were made to do. Our teeth are made to eat meat, not grind down vegetables.

    Why is it that people feel the need to comment in other peoples eating preferences?

    I've had people who were vegan s**t on me for not being vegan, but its just as wrong the other way around.

    YES. Make sure you're taking certain supplements such as B12 and some other things. Like aforementioned, I'm not vegan, but I am transitioning my entire family to vegetarianism (lavto-ovo for now). I think it should be a slow transition over time. Being vegan isn't going to happen overnight. There are many things in your life that may need overhauling if that's the case, but with time you'll get it. Hope you can get the support you need from fellow vegans and good luck.
  • kcholsop
    kcholsop Posts: 6
    If people don't want me to comment, then they shouldn't post a question regarding their eating preferences and lifestyle. Your comment about my comment looks very awkward for you.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    Totes awkward. For sure....

  • ki61
    ki61 Posts: 1

    I'm vegan since two years. Have a lot of power and take only Vitamin B12. All the other Vitamins and Minerals are in our plant-strong food. My last blood samples were perfect ! So if you want to give it a try....., there are many delicious recipes on the internet. My favorite is Happy Herbivore for Everyday. And by the way.....'a true vegan.'....there are so many reasons to go vegan, not only because of suffering animals. I believe that everyone should make his own decision for his own reason. It's right, there are a lot of people with very radical views, but as I said.....It's in YOUR hand how you would like to be. :wink:
    Ah...and if you want to know why I'm here .....not all vegans are a skinny ones.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    OP, I believe there is a vegan group you can join. Just search in the groups section under the community bar.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Food is food. Everyone lives on death, even vegans. No one's food is morally superior to anyone else's food, since eating is not a moral act. Eating is not a religion. I do not understand why anyone would want to go vegan. There are better ways of showing love for animals than veganism, which is just as much about controlling one's own world as it is about eating.
  • kjflaherty
    kjflaherty Posts: 27 Member
    Wow, I'm surprised at the comments you are getting. I've been mostly vegan since January. I feel great. I know many vegans and they are all in great health. Yes, I am on the same journey. Its been MOSTLY easy. Sometimes there is nothing in the house, and I am a poor planner, so I'll eat something that has milk or dairy, but this has been maybe 3 times since January. There are so many great products out there too, if you're craving pizza or ice cream, basically whatever you want can be made vegan.
    I also recommend to get some cookbooks. I have Happy Herbivore, Chloe Coscarelli?, and Oh She Glows, and have checked out so many others from the library.
    I also LOVE chocolatecoveredkatie.com for desserts.
    And there is a vegetarian/vegan group here on MFP and billions of them on Facebook. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to see my diary or just to chat.
    Good Luck.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 20 years, a vegan for two, have a full time job and an awesome family. I had chronic sinus infections and after countless rounds of antibiotics, I went to a Board certified ENT, who advised dropping dairy. I've gone from 8 to 10 sinus infections a year, to one every 3 years. (My husband is a vegan and climbed Everest a few years ago, and is giving Rainier another go this year.)

    The trick is to find substitutes for animal based protein. I drink soy or almond milk, lots of beans, tofu. I also drink a breakfast shake each a.m. of Alive Pea Protein/almond milk and blueberries. Lunch is veggies, a grain and beans. Dinner is veggies, tofu/tempeh and fruit. I think many people think vegan is difficult, I actually find it much easier than vegetarian or carnivore.

    If you're pressed for time, Amy's makes a great line of vegan frozen foods. I love their burritos and add some veggies. Quick and easy.

    Eating out...Asian restaurants are fantastic. Not only for the food, but because it gives you ideas on how to make really delicious vegetables/grains/tofu.

    I feel great. We are individuals...no one eating plan works for everyone, so chose your path, do good research and best of success!

    Also, a terrific documentary on Netflix streaming is Forks Over Knives.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    But... that means giving up meat. Rare steak, roast duck, lamb kebobs, pulled pork, prime rib... give all that up? And now, giving up eggs, milk, and cheese too??...nothing is worth that!
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    I love that movie! I am also a vegan, and I often tell people about FOK. I do not ever miss meat or dairy, there are so many other helathier things to eat! I am not a "pusher" though, haha, I am just happy being a vegan, I get that it is not for everyone. Although there is no other way to be as healthy in my eyes. Good luck!
  • danieladecastri
    danieladecastri Posts: 9 Member
    I don't think vegans are affected emotionally based on what they eat or, at least, I never met one!! On the contrary I know a lot of people that become sleepy, aggressive, "guilty" after a copious meal based on meat!!

    B-12 vitamin is found not only in meat/fish/egg but also on microorganisms that live on vegetables before we wash them; so if we could grow our own vegetables and fruits avoiding to add poison on them we could probably live well without any supplement.

    Talking about human bodies, you should consider herbivore animals, like chimpanzee for example, and a carnivore one, like a tiger:
    - our teeth (we do not have long canines, we have flat molar to chew herbs and fruits) are exactly the same as he herbivore ones; carnivore teeth (long & pointy canines) are made to tear meat off their prays!
    - mandibular structure: human system is made to move only vertically (we just need to chew); carnivore one is made to open much wider (to catch their preys) and it is also moving horizontally to tear meat off!
    - our intestine is 6 times our height (approx 10 meters) like herbivores; carnivore intestine is much shorter because if the meat remains in it, it get putrefied so it has to get out as soon as possible => that is not possible in a 10-meter intestine!!
    - our bodies: do you think we are fast & strong enough to run and catch any preys? I think our bodies are made to cultivate vegetables and pick up fruits!!!

    BTW, I am not trying to convince anybody here: this is just what I strongly believe!

    You should think twice about going vegan. Vegans have low energy and their mood is negatively affected. Thats why vegans have to take vitamins everyday. Also, a true vegan does not use traditional soap, toothpaste, or any other hygienic products, because most of the companys test them on animals. Eating less meat is one thing, but going vegan is completly the opposite of what our human bodies were made to do. Our teeth are made to eat meat, not grind down vegetables.
  • danieladecastri
    danieladecastri Posts: 9 Member
    Because I have read a lot of books and reviewed different studies and I always came to the same conclusion: animal products increase the probability of getting cancer, hearth disease, diabetes, high-blood pressure .... and all those ones are just signs our body is sending us to inform us that we are not feeding it right!

    I think everybody should try the vegan diet, just for few days or few weeks and then measure their blood cholesterol, the blood sugar level, check their weight, check their skin, check their mood..... everything is just much better!!

    And I am not telling you that it is easy to move away from your habits (I am Italian!!), but I am tring to do it for me and for my family!!
    I have to ask......why?

    Serious question.
  • danieladecastri
    danieladecastri Posts: 9 Member
    Sure, I am with you!!

    I am not a "fanatic" vegan, I am trying to eat healthy and to cause as little pain as possible during my life (I am still killing mosquitoes when they try to bite me!!!

    BTW, I am not a skinny vegan either but I feel GREAT and that what it is important!!!!!

    I'm vegan since two years. Have a lot of power and take only Vitamin B12. All the other Vitamins and Minerals are in our plant-strong food. My last blood samples were perfect ! So if you want to give it a try....., there are many delicious recipes on the internet. My favorite is Happy Herbivore for Everyday. And by the way.....'a true vegan.'....there are so many reasons to go vegan, not only because of suffering animals. I believe that everyone should make his own decision for his own reason. It's right, there are a lot of people with very radical views, but as I said.....It's in YOUR hand how you would like to be. :wink:
    Ah...and if you want to know why I'm here .....not all vegans are a skinny ones.
  • danieladecastri
    danieladecastri Posts: 9 Member
    Thx for the info!!
    OP, I believe there is a vegan group you can join. Just search in the groups section under the community bar.
  • swalberg0625
    swalberg0625 Posts: 98 Member
    I cut out all processed foods and then decided to go vegan after watching a few documentaries. I love pinterest. I find almost all of my recipes there. I take vitamin B12 and D supplements because those can be hard to get from plant based foods. You can be Vegan and not be healthy. Stay away from processed meats, IMO they are worse than actual meat. Lots of beans and greens. I cook with Quinoa alot because it is a complete protein with all the amino acids, soy beans (edemame) is also a complete protein. Feel free to add me if you like for any advice :)
  • swalberg0625
    swalberg0625 Posts: 98 Member
    You should think twice about going vegan. Vegans have low energy and their mood is negatively affected. Thats why vegans have to take vitamins everyday. Also, a true vegan does not use traditional soap, toothpaste, or any other hygienic products, because most of the companys test them on animals. Eating less meat is one thing, but going vegan is completly the opposite of what our human bodies were made to do. Our teeth are made to eat meat, not grind down vegetables.

    I chose to go Vegan for the health benefits. To be a "true" vegan, yes you don't eat or use ANY animal products. But you can be considered vegan because you cut out meat, eggs, and dairy which is what I chose to do. I still use honey. I chose this lifestyle for long term health reasons, not so much an animal side. Everyone has a right to their own opinion/lifestyle. I don't look down on people for their eating habits either way. But in regards to my body, this lifestyle works for me. I would say to just make sure you do your research so you are getting the proper nutrition.
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    I don't think vegans are affected emotionally based on what they eat or, at least, I never met one!! On the contrary I know a lot of people that become sleepy, aggressive, "guilty" after a copious meal based on meat!!

    B-12 vitamin is found not only in meat/fish/egg but also on microorganisms that live on vegetables before we wash them; so if we could grow our own vegetables and fruits avoiding to add poison on them we could probably live well without any supplement.

    Talking about human bodies, you should consider herbivore animals, like chimpanzee for example, and a carnivore one, like a tiger:
    - our teeth (we do not have long canines, we have flat molar to chew herbs and fruits) are exactly the same as he herbivore ones; carnivore teeth (long & pointy canines) are made to tear meat off their prays!
    - mandibular structure: human system is made to move only vertically (we just need to chew); carnivore one is made to open much wider (to catch their preys) and it is also moving horizontally to tear meat off!
    - our intestine is 6 times our height (approx 10 meters) like herbivores; carnivore intestine is much shorter because if the meat remains in it, it get putrefied so it has to get out as soon as possible => that is not possible in a 10-meter intestine!!
    - our bodies: do you think we are fast & strong enough to run and catch any preys? I think our bodies are made to cultivate vegetables and pick up fruits!!!

    BTW, I am not trying to convince anybody here: this is just what I strongly believe!

    You forgot the part where chimps kill and eat other animals.

    Or our entire evolution was shaped by our use of tools and cooking meat giving us a massive source of calories.

    It would be impossible for prefarming humans to even live as veggies let alone vegans. You would walk miles to find some berries, eat some very low calorie tubers and the odd flower. Sure you can be healthy on a vegan diet. You can be healthy on keto diet aswell eating only meat and veg. The point is excess of either is unhealthy if it is at the same time.

    But my point was that we as a species are adaptable, the only diet that may mave some real fat loss and muscle retaining qualities above any other diet is keto. But that is still creeping out. If people want a natural diet as in what our ancestors ate. It should be very high fat moderate protein and low carb veggies. Carbs where always the lowest food source in any group before farming.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think if one wants to go vegan for ethical reasons that's their own personal choice. Go for it!

    But....if they are going vegan because they think it's the only healthy way to lose weight then they should give it a lot of thought. You can eat a variety of foods, not eliminate food groups and still have great success losing and maintaining weight.