Morning workouts

Does working out in the morning before breakfast boost your metabolism?


  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    I work out in the morning before breakfast (well technically I dont eat breakfast)
    BUT, No I have not noticed it boosting my metabolism in any way. (I see no difference in weight loss when its morning workouts or evening workouts)
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    For me the main difference is I have more energy for the workout and I get it out of the way which is good since then I don't spend the day stressing about squeezing it in later.

    For most people I would imagine it boosts energy levels and suppress appetite though.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    I have very poor performance if i try doing any thing in empty stomach,on the other hand even a 70 calorie oat biscuit help me fine.i don,t have access to a gym and do body weight exercises at home.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    I workout in the morning, and I find that it makes a big difference in my hole day. I do have more energy through the day.
  • kcholsop
    kcholsop Posts: 6
    Yes! Whenever your heartrate increases!
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Working out in the morning has benefits for me even if they're only mental.

    1. I feel better all day long
    2. I'm pretty damn proud of myself for getting up and working out (especially since I'm not a morning person)
    3. I know I've worked out at least once for the day before I leave for work
    4. The "burn" after a workout gets started that much sooner
    5. If I get busy later in the day I don't have to worry about missing a workout because I've already done one

    That's why they work for me. Others may feel differently but I'm not trying to please anyone else.
  • AmberBelandria
    AmberBelandria Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I just started T25 yesterday in fact. I didn't have time to do it Monday. I did workout yesterday afternoon. But my schedule is 7am to 7pm. I get up anywhere from 4am to 5am daily. I leave the house at 6am to get to work on time and when I leave work I dont get home till 8pm or later so I don't feel like working out. So today I got up at 430 and completed day two of T25. So far I really love the program. Its just the right amount of time for me. Although I am so exhausted by the time I leave for and so hungry. I hope this morning workout routine gets easier and I start feeling more energy.