

  • Had a few nights I could not check in but last night was Day 7 for me, a week! Going the full week I can see that almost all the time the urge to night snack was pure habit. I was not even hungry but thinking of snacking only when I was watching tv or passing through our kitchen. Only one of the nights was I legitimately…
    in Check-ins Comment by shred85 July 2014
  • Day 4 = made it. JH loves 2 knit - like you, I am not sure if I have lost weight (am not weighing myself til day 7, and doesn't really feel like I have) but like you said, it is good to just be in control of the main issue.
    in Check-ins Comment by shred85 July 2014
  • Day 3 = no night eating. Thanks for the welcome to the group. Tonight I almost subconsciously slipped - watching a movie and thought oh ill grab a snack. I was not even hungry in the least, pure bad habit. Then said NO, YOU WILL NOT NIGHT EAT! And did not. Good night all.
    in Check-ins Comment by shred85 July 2014
  • My secret to life being easier is to be good with money. Its true money won't make you happier, but it will make life easier. I've been a saver since I was 12 years old and started babysitting. As I got to my 30s, settled down and had a child and the real expenses (housing, childcare, medical) started coming, my saving…
  • Coming back to post. Had dinner, and heading to bed soon. Day 2 = successful. I'm grateful for this group - I think it may be a great fit for me since my issue is strictly this night eating!
    in Check-ins Comment by shred85 July 2014
  • Hi, I am a new joiner. I eat VERY healthfully during the day - like everyone here, my issue is after-dinner eating. I do it out of boredom and go for chips, crackers and cheese, mainly salty things, sometimes its just a portion, other times its almost a binge, yikes. I know it is this night eating that is keeping me about…
    in Check-ins Comment by shred85 July 2014
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